Jimin and me

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I want to remain, I want to dream more~ Jin
A stream of light filtered in through the blinds, shining on your face. That was enough to wake you up. You sat up groggily rubbing your eyes. Pain hit your head and you clutched your head, whimpering a bit.

"Lay back down" a voice commanded. You turned and saw Jimin next to you, completely forgetting he had spent the night with you. In fact you couldn't remember much of last night at all.

You laid back down softly, staring up at the ceiling. "What the hell happened?" You asked.

"You were drunk. Very drunk" jimin said. You groaned.

"Did I embarrass myself?" You asked.

Jimin shrugged lightly. Also turning and laying on his back so that he was staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't remember anything" you said.

"So you don't remember the awesome sex we had last night?" Jimin asked.

You sat up straight and looked at him. "What, we had sec last night?"

"Yeah, like three times" jimin said, shrugging. "I thought you'd remember the awesome time I gave you"

"I- what?" You stuttered. You put your head in your hands. "Dear lord"

"I'm only joking Y/N" jimin was laughing. You hit him playfully on his chest.

"You ass hat, I was actually worried for a second there" you said in a high voice. You laid back down and Jimin intertwines his hand in yours.

"We should do something today" he said.

"Yeah, like lay here" you said.

"No, I mean we should go out to lunch and a movie or something" he said.

You shrugged. "Ok, I guess"

"It's a date then, get all dressed up and I'll see you in a few" he hopped off your bed and went to take a shower.

Your head was still pounding near your temples. Light seemed too bright for your eyes.

You slowly climbed out of your bed and pushed the blankets off of you. You made your bed neatly and walked into the bathroom that was connected to your room. It was very large with a superset clear shower, and a large jacuzzi bathtub. You knew you would spend quite a lot of time in that bathtub.

You went into your closet, grabbing a pair of light blue jeans and a navy blue shirt sleeves shirt. You grabbed a fresh pair of under wear and a white sports bra as well, then going into the bathroom and making sure to lock the door this time.

You didn't want another 'jimmy walking in on you' incident. The shower warmed up quickly after you turned it on. You took a quick shower, washing your hair and leaving in the conditioner for a bit.

Once you got out you blow dried you hair and did some light makeup. Then turned off the bathroom light and went into the hallway outside your room. Jin was there, measuring his door frame.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

He turned around and looked at you. "I'm measuring the doorway to see if I can fit a desk in"

"What do you need a desk for?" You asked.

"Oh silly Y/N, obviously we need space to record new music"

"What you guys really need is a break" you smiled.

"Nah I'm good. Mr. world wide handsome takes no breaks" he said.

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