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A/N: there is a scene in this chapter that might make some people uncomfortable, it will include forced sexual acts, I won't separate the parts due to not wanting to spoil the moment, either skip or enjoy ————————————————————————
You will regret some day if you don't do your best now~ Jungkook

So far the article only had pictures of you and Jimin at the ice cream shop, but that all could change. Many paparazzi could be editing the pics as you stood there, thinking.

Your boss wanted you to meet him at his office as soon as you could. You grabbed your purse and grabbed a pair of sunglasses and left your room.

"Where are you going?" Asked jimin.

"My boss wants to meet with me immediately" you said.

Jimin took your arm and pulled you close. "I don't trust that guy" he whispered in your ear.

"Neither do I, but I work for the guy and can't deny if he asks me to come into work on my day off"

"Technically it's never a day off when you spend all your day looking after us idiots" jimin gave her a soft smile. He kissed her cheek lightly. "Call me if you need anything"

"I will for sure, maybe we can grab-" you stopped.

"What is it?" Jimin Asked.

"I was gonna say maybe later we could grab some lunch, but the paparazzi will surely be following us around now" you frowned.

"I'm sorry about that" jimin looked sad.

"It's fine, I should go before I'm later" you waved bye to the rest of the boys and hopped in your car. The tank was almost empty, forcing you to stop and get gas on your way to the office.

Gas prices were going up these days and it only pissed you off more. You pulled into the parking lot of your job and turned the car off. You knocked your head on the steering wheel, cursing yourself for getting into this situation.

You went up to your boss' office. You knocked on the door lightly. "Come in" a voice said.

You opened the door, it freaked. "Close the door behind you" your boss said. He was sitting at this desk, arms folded, kicked back. "Sit down" he ordered you. You hesitantly took a seat. Suddenly he threw a stack of photos on the desk in front of you.

"I'm dissapointed Y/N" he frowned. "Prancing around with this man, I don't know their names, but one of the Bts meme era"

"That's jimin" you mumbled quietly.

Suddenly he stood up quickly, his chair flew back behind him, knocking into the wall. "I don't care who he is, you had one damn job"

"I am doing my job!" You exclaimed. "There's nothing in my contract that says I can't date a member"

He put a finger to his lip, thinking. "That's not why I'm angry Y/N." You looked at him, confused. "I've been trying to get you to like me for months, and this short little guy, with no experience, decided to come in here and just swoop you off your feet"


"So Y/N, I've been patient, and you have been testing my patience. Our dinner went so well the other night" he looked sad. "Why don't you like me?"

You were silent. "Oh so you're gonna play the quiet game with me?" He asked, scoffing. He came around his desk and grabbed your arm, pushing you onto the couch. Suddenly he was on top of you, pinning your arms above your head.

"Please stop" you begged.

"Your so hot when you play hard to get" he grunted. You could see a large blulge in his pants.

"Stop!" You yelled.

"No, you stop resisting me or I will leak the rest of the pics" he said through clenched teeth.

You froze. "What pics?"

He smirked. "I have photographers follow you everywhere. Who do you think runs the paparazzi?"

"You asshole!" You cried out. "This is sexual harassment"

"No, you want it Y/N, I know you do"

"Are you reason the words coming off my mouth!? Get off" He clamped a hand over your mouth. You tried biting his hand but couldn't get the skin between your teeth. Suddenly his hand was traveling up the side of your shirt. He grabbed one of your breast's, kneading it roughly.

You felt tears forming at your eyes. "I can take away your job in an instant. You will never find another job like this one, unless you give yourself to me"

You didn't answer. Your phone began ringing. The caller ID said Jimin. You reached for you phone but he pinned it above your head again.

Tears slipped down your cheeks. "Y/N, stop crying" he ordered. He was forcing his pants down and unbuttoning yours. You were kicking and trying to scream. He pushed his pants and boxers down, he was fully erect. You stared in horror as he pushed you farther into the couch, pulling your pants down to your knees, he reached for your panties when suddenly the door burst open.

Your boss quickly let go of you, grabbing his pants and holding them over his crotch. It was his secretary. She was a stout women with glasses.

"I'll come back later sir" she nodded.

"Help me!" You screamed, she ignored you and closed the door. Your boss grinned. You jumped off the couch, sprinting to the door, he grabbed your waist and threw you to the ground. You hit your head and suddenly saw stars, holding your head for a moment as your world spun. He was on top of you again. He pulled your shirt off and over your head. He went to unclasp his bra.
"Sir you can't go in there!" A voice yelled from out in the hall.

The door burst open again, but this time Jimin stood there, panting heavily. He looked at the scene before him.

Tears were still streaming down your face. Suddenly your boss was pulling his pants on. Jimin walked over to his and his fist collided with your boss' face.

Your boss fell over, unconscious. Jimin has knocked him out. You stared at the scene before you, your mouth hung open in shock.

Jimin came over to you and covered you with his body. He grabbed your shirt and put it on you. "Dear god, I got so worried when you wouldn't answer your phone"

You were crying in his arms. He swiped away a few years from your eyes. "Please don't cry babygirl"

He helped you stand and opened the door. He brought you to your car. "How did you get here?" You asked.

"I ran" he smiled. "I wasn't thinking, I just took off sprinting"

He started the car. "Let's get you home love"

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