Brand deals

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"A brand deal is a fantastic opportunity" you said, looking in your rear view mirror.

"Yeah, but we have been going non stop. I wanted to rest" Jungkook said.

"You can rest tonight. I promise" you said.

"Is there a pool at the hotel?" V asked.


"Awesome. Maybe cute girls will be there" Jimin laughed.

Suga smacked his arm. "Shut up"

You held back a laugh, pulling into a parking lot. You couldn't pronounce the name of the restraunt but it was some fancy French place. It was extremely expensive and you had to make reservations to get you and the boys in.

They all sat down, you were squished between Jimin and Jungkook, V sat across from you.

"It's a bit smushed" jhope said.

"You can choose where you want to eat for dinner tomorrow. It won't be squished" Namjoon said.

"What's tomorrow?" You asked.

"It's jhope's birthday" V said.

The manager arrived a bit later. The meeting lasted awhile but when it finally ended the boys were tired and bored.

"It's still daytime?" Suga said when he walked out of the restraunt. "It's feels like we were in there for days"

"I agree" Jin said. "We should go do something"

The rest of the boys nodded, then they turned their heads to look at you.

"What?" You said.

"We should go do something" Jin repeated.

"Ok, well our schedule is free for the rest of the day" you said. "Well, your schedule is I mean"

"And yours isn't?" Jimin asked.

"No, but that's beside the point" you said. You looked down at your phone.

"Why don't you set aside time and fit me into your schedule" Jimin said, going to put an arm around your shoulders.

You dodged his advance without even looking up from your phone.

The other guys started laughing. Jhope bent over and clutched his stomache.

"Rejection hurts" Suga said.

Jimin made a pretend sad face.

"There's a go kart and mini golf place a few miles from here" you said.

"Well let's go then" Namjoon said.

"Sure, but let's stop by the hotel first so you can change out of your meeting clothes, and so I can put on something other than my business suit" you said.

"Sounds like a plan" Jin said.

You all headed back to the hotel.

When you got back, you each went into your separate rooms and changed.

You wore an outfit that would be comfortable and appropriate for the weather, since it was extremely hot outside. LA was always hot during July.

 LA was always hot during July

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