Jimin's Mission

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My mind is possessed by the word success~ Suga

Jimin's Point of View:

My fist was in extreme pain, although I knew nothing was broken, I could move everything around just fine. Y/N had fallen asleep in the car. Tear stains upon her cheeks like a new tattoo.

Her hair was a mess and some had stuck to her face, yet she still looked beautiful. I pulled up to the house. It was only late afternoon now, around dinner time. I turned off the engine and shoved the keys into my pocket.

I went around to the passenger seat and picked her up, then kicked the door closed with my foot. There was no need to lock the car because of the gated community.

I tapped on the door lightly with my foot. Namjoon answered. He saw Y/N, sleeping in my arms and turned to the others, putting a finger to his lips. He stepped aside and let me come in, then closed the door softly behind me.

"Is everything alright?" He whispered.

"Give me a minute" I responded and persisted to carry Y/N into her room. I set her down on her bed and she immediately curled into a fetal position. I put the blanket over her and turned on her fan, then left the room quietly, closing the door.

The boys sat quietly in the living room. They looked at me, waiting for answers. I sighed. "Y/N's boss tried forcing himself on her"

Jhope gasped. "That's awful" he looked upset. They all did. "She doesn't deserve that"

"No one does" Yoongi said.

"How did she handle it?" Tae asked.

"She fell asleep in the car after crying for what seemed like eternity. I felt like there was nothing I could do. I mean I did punch him in the face and I might get charged with assault" I groaned a bit. "So if the cops come, don't be surprised"

"Maybe you should call them and explain the situation" Namjoon offered.

I sat and thought for a moment. "I guess that isn't a bad idea"

I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket. I walked into the backyard where the pool was, it overlooked the city. It was eerily quiet outside and it set me on edge, as if the works knew I was disheveled, it left me in silence, alone.

I quickly dialed 911 and waited for an operator to answer.

"911, what's your emergency?" It was a female operator. Her voice was smooth.

"I- I don't even know how to begin this" I sighed. "I guess my girlfriend" I paused. Could I even call Y/N my girlfriend? I'm gonna assume after everything we have been through, we were basically made for one another. "My girlfriend's boss forced himself on her"

"By forced, do you mean he sexually assaulted her?" The operator asked.


"Where is your girlfriend now?" She asked.

"She is sleeping, she cried herself to sleep, and she is very upset" I was fired up again. I wanted to punch every last tooth out of Drake Olstein's face.

"Ok, she will need to testify if you decide to take this to court" the operator pointed out.

"That's her decision, I don't know if she wants to testify or not but I'm sure she will" I added. "I also need to confess that I did technically assault the man"

"How so?"

"Well I punched him in the face"

"Technically it wasn't self defense, so if he decides to press charges, I'm afraid you could be prosecuted"

I sighed. She was silent on the other line for awhile. "Thank you, I should get going now" and I hung up the phone. I opened the sliding glass door and came back inside.

The boys were playing pool at the pool table they had bought. Namjoon was reading a book. Jhope was playing just dance on the Xbox. They all stopped their activities to stare at me.

"If her boss presses charges, I could face a jury" I said.

"This will not be good for the press, but I doubt he will press charges due to the fact that he started this whole problem" Suga added.

I nodded. "I'm gonna go check on Y/N." I went into her room. She was still on the bed, but she was sitting up, looking out the window at the stars. It had gotten dark. The moon shined brightly through the window.

She looked beautiful. My thoughts were pure as I looked at the way her eyes shined in the dark, her hair around her shoulders, her skin smooth and glowing with the moonlight beam that shined on her like a spot light. I felt the need in my chest to hold her.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi" I said. I smiled. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Lots" she replied. She looked sort of happy. "I think I've gotten past the whole shock of the incident, now I'm just determined that this never happens to anyone again"

I loved her strong willed determination. She was definitely bull headed and got what she wanted, she had me on strings like a puppet.

"It's getting quite late, why don't you come lay with me?" She patted the bed next to her. I took the invitation and laid next to her, nuzzling against her. She laid down and I spooned her from behind.

It was silent for awhile, except the sound of our lungs filled with oxygen. I inhaled the scent of her. It smelled like what I imagine sunshine would smell like. It smelled like small raindrops and dew on the tip of a leaf. The scent drove me wild. It entranced every fiber in my being. My entire mass, my entire soul craved her. I'd never felt this way before about anything.

She cleared her throat quietly. "I've been thinking......" she paused. "I want you to be my first"

My breath caught in my throat. "Uh- what do you mean?"

She turned to face me. "What I mean Jimin Park, is I want you to take my virginity"

My eyes widened. Her straightforwardness turned me on. I was a mess. I could practically feel my heart beat pulsing blood throughout my entire body, including the growth between my legs.

"When?" I asked. It felt like a stupid question and I immediately regretted asking it.

"Tonight. Take me tonight Jimin"

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