The darkness has been seen

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It truly sucks knowing someone you love is well, off with someone else. Wether is was a kiss or sex, an action always truly speaks louder than the words from the mouth.

And although Jimin's mouth and lips were perfection and molded perfectly with your, he fucked yo. And pressed his lips against another women's, who you hadn't even seen the face of but you got an odd vibe from her.

It was getting dark and you had no where to stay. You decided you would get a hotel across town so there was no way anyone could trace you.

You looked down at your phone quickly and saw eight missed calls from Jimin, four from Namjoon, and many from the other as well.

You refused to look at Jimin's texts, wanting to clear your head of all thoughts of the perfect boy. Who you now realized wasn't as perfect as he seemed.

You felt your eyes well with tears again, and you cursed yourself for being so over dramatic, but you really did love that boy. It was both a blessing and a curse to fall so quickly in love with him but you couldn't control your soon to be fatal attraction towards him.

You wiped away a tear that escaped its tear duct and tried to escape down your cheek.

"Fuck this" you cursed out loud to yourself.

Your eyes were really welling up now, an onslaught attack of tears came to your eyes, blinding your view.

Especially your view of a truck barreling into your lane.

You tried wiping them away, but it was too late. The truck crashed head on with yours. And your world slipped away, drifting into blackness.

For a few moments it was complete darkness, until you saw a blinding white light.

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