Playboy Hotel

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You had gotten great sleep. The day with the boys had officially worn you out, but had been great.

Even Jimin flirting with you wasn't that bad. But you assumed he was a player, he could have any girl he wanted, so there was no way in hell he would choose you.

You had been awake about an hour, scrolling through your emails on your laptop. An email from your parents had come in. Your brother was back in the hospital, his mental health wasn't good. Depression ran in your family, you hadn't been diagsnosed and had never felt depressed a day in your life, but your brother was the opposite.

He was older than you and you two used to be rather close, until around highschool.

You made a call to your parents and assured them you were ok and that you would visit when you could.

When you hung up, you looked out the window. It was raining, almost as if God knew you were feeling a bit down.

You decided to take a hot shower. You turned your music on full volume and got in. The water was as hot as it could be and the entire room filled up with steam.

You hummed softly with the music. Harry Styles "sign of the times" was playing loudly.

All of a sudden your music stopped. You poked you head out of the curtain to resume the music.

Standing there, holding your phone was Jimin.

You jumped back, feeling your feet go out from under you, you fell on the shower floor, taking down the shower curtain with you.

Water poured on your head, which was cover with the shower curtain.

"Gosh dammit!!" You yelled.

You heard jimin turn the water off.

"Boy aren't you a little jumpy? Are you ok?" He asked.

You pulled the shower curtain off your head and blew a chunk of wet hair out of your mouth, the rest of you naked body was covered by the shower curtain, which you were thankful for.

You glared at him.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" You asked.

"Honestly I just wanted to hangout" jimin asked.

"This is your resting day and mine until the show tomorrow" you said, standing up and holding the shower curtain to your body. You reached for a towel and wrapped that around you as well.

"Well, I don't know. The guys over there are boring and besides, you seemed lonely" Jimin said.

"Can we resume this conversation when I'm actually dressed and not completely naked?" You asked.

Jimin smirked. "Or we don't have to talk at all and I can get naked as well"

You froze.

He stepped closer to you. "Sleeping with my manager, now that sounds risky"

"Ha very funny. But I won't fall for your stupid playboy act. And id like to keep this relationship professional" you grabbed your things and rushed past him into the room. You set your things on the bed.

"At least a friendship would be nice" He said.

"I'll think about it" you said. You made sure the towel was secure around you before you let go of the shower curtain.

"I'll put that back up for you" jimin said.

"That'd be nice"

"And I was only joking. I just enjoy seeing you flustered. I'm not actually trying to get in your pants. Not that your even...." he paused. "Not that your even wearing pants right now. That's beside the point"

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