A Big Mistake

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Dream and reality, I became more indifferent, but also more desperate ~Suga
As a child, your parents didnt have as much money as the other kids who went to your school. The other kids lived in large houses and had not only a bedroom, but a playroom as well. Your friends would invite you over for a dinner that ended up being a four course meal. But you were blessed all the same. You loved your one bedroom childhood home.

You were your parents only child and the three of you shared a room along with your two small hamsters with whom you had named Ladybug and Chat Noir. And yes, you treated them like humans almost.

You were thinking back on your childhood as you stared ahead at your new temporary condo that you would be sharing with the boys. The place was better than any place you had lived at before, best part was you didn't have to pay for it at all. Your boss paid for it to please the band members, and maybe you. Yet now you felt like you owed him something since he had been so generous to you.

So when he had asked you to an evening meal, you complied and gave in.

The condo had four rooms.

Three of the boys shared a room, that being jungkook, tae, and suga. Jimim and jhope shared a room, and finally, Namjoon and Jin shared a room.

You got your own room, which was decorated lightly with three main colors; yellow, gray, and white. You had to admit, your boss didn't have all that bad of taste.

He was still a creep though. His texts consisted of him calling you by endearing terms. At one point he asked you what you were wearing. You had never quite gotten why he thought acting this way towards you was ok. Guess he thought he had a justifiable reason for being a pig.

The boys were in their rooms. You were in yours. The house was quiet today due to everyone trying to get settled in.

You looked for an outfit to wear on your evening out with your boss. You decided to go with a long sleeved lacy blouse and jeans with heeled boots. You wanted to dress nice enough for the evening, yet still cover as much skin as you could. Of course wearing a long sleeved shirt in the summer was never a good idea. But you would only be out for a little over an hour.

You put on extra deodorant and tied up your hair. You walked out of your room and put the keys in the lock, turning it quickly. You decided that every time you weren't in your room, you'd lock the door to keep the boys from rummaging through your personal belongings. And by boys, you mostly meant Jimin. God knows what the boy would do if he got into your lingerie drawer.

"Where are you heading off to?" Jungkook asked, coming down the hall from his room.

"Dinner" you said quickly.

"With who?"

"My boss" you walked down the hallway towards the front door, jungkook stayed on your heels.

"Tsk tsk, sounds like a date to me. Jimin will be upset when he hears about this"

"I have no obligations towards Jimin, we aren't dating" you crossed your arms over your chest. "And besides, it isn't a date. We will most likely be discussing business affairs. Maybe a little casual conversation here and there"

You walked out the from door before he could say anything else. You got in your car, which was parked behind the company van. Your car was a small Blue Toyota Corolla which you loved with all your heart.

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