Give them a show

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Authors note: this chapter will include a mature scene. I will separate the parts. Enjoy :) also giving you a double update cause I'm awesome

The true currency of life is not money, but time~Jimin



Arizona summer heat was blistering. Yet the concert venue was outside and it had you sweating. The jet arrived at 2am. You all slept on the jet, got ready, and went to the concert venue to set up.

/three more shows/

Only three until you guys would get a one month break from touring, then start up again.

You couldn't wait for that break. You'd be living with the boys in a condo on the west coat of California. A lovely place called Laguna Nigel.

You were setting up a confetti blaster for the finale of the show. The boys were backstage setting up their costume changes.

June 24th. It's only June, yet It feels so hot here.

You wore a white romper and sandals, a pair of blue sunglasses, and your hair was pulled into a ponytail.

"When did you put that little outfit on?" Jimin asked. Crouching beside you.

"This morning? Why? Does it look bad?" You asked.

"Ha, I wish" he said.

"You wish?"

"Yeah, I wish it looked bad on you cause then I wouldn't be so distracted" he looked down at your hands, which were holding confetti straps.

He looked up at you. You were biting your lip, concentrating on filling the confetti cannon.

"You can't do that" he said suddenly.

"Do what?" Your head snapped up to look at him. "I'm filling the confetti cannon"

"Not that you dummy. Stop biting your lip" his thumb came up and brushed against your bottom lip.

You both froze.

"Sure is hot as hell outside" a voice interrupted.

Tae came running from back stage and then jumped off the stage onto the ground.

"The pool at the hotel sounds awesome right now" he said.

"Y/N, do we have time to swim tonight?" Tae asked.

You shrugged. "Sure I guess"

You and jimin stood up at the same time. Then looked at eachother awkwardly.

"Professional friendship" was all you said before walking off.


'Where are you?'

Management// Jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now