Introducing Bts

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The morning had been sluggish. You had to drag yourself out of bed, and on top of that, getting the boys to wake up was a hassle too. You had to go into their hotel room and individually wake them up.

J-hope was a literal ray of sunshine and woke up with a smile. Suga have you a look like he might murder you. V almost attacked you. And jimin tried pulling you into his bed for a cuddle session.

You had quickly denied his offer and left quickly from the room.

About 30 minutes later the boys were finally ready to go. Everything was packed and you all got into the company van. The boys spoke in their native language in the backseat. You had no idea what they were saying, but kept your mouth shut and drove them to your record label studio.

Your hair was tightly pulled back and you wore a blue blazer coat and matching pencil skirt. It was your usual business outfit.

Jin popped his head up, resting his chin on your shoulder. You jumped a little, bit expecting it.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

The others had gone quiet in the back.

"Quite well actually" you said.

"What did the blanket say when it fell off the bed?" He asked.

"Uhhh I don't know"

"Oh sheet" he flung himself onto the ground in a fit of laughter. His laugh sounding like a windshield wiper.

Jimin lost it and covered his mouth, laughing hysterically.

You cracked a half smile.

"Only a smile. Not even a laugh" Rm said.

"We will make you laugh eventually Y/N!!!" J-hope yelled.

"It's too early for your yelling" Jungkook said.

"Little maknae is sassy this morning" j-hope said.

"More like every morning" Suga said.

"Says the king of sass" offered jimin.

"We are here" you said. You turned the key and took it out of the ignition. You stepped out of the van and pressed down your skirt.

"Should we bring our things in with us?" V asked.

"No" you and Rm said at the same time.

"What's this place again? Where are we?" Jin asked.

"The recording studio" you said calmly.

You turned on your heel and led them inside, pointing your keys over your shoulder and locking the van.

The group of boys looked at you. "She's very serious" jimin said.

"It's called being professional jimin, you should try it sometime" Rm said.

Suga began laughing.

You led them up a flight of stairs.

Jimin said something in Korean and jin slapped him on the shoulder.

"You're lucky she doesn't understand any Korean" j-hope said.

"I'll tell her in English if she asks" jimin smirked.

You ignored them and led them down a hall. You turned to face them. "This is my boss's office. Be respectful, he gets easily angered"
You opened the door.

They nodded and followed you into the office.

"There's my star pupil, oh and the boys uummm" her boss stopped talking.

"This is Bts"you said.

Mr olstein shook each of the boys hands and they introduced themselves.

"Take a seat" he said, gesturing to two leather couches he kept in his office. You stayed standing near his desk, overlooking each of the guys.

"Let's get to business" Mr. Olstein said.

"Of course sir" you nodded.

"The tour has been confirmed. We already have fans buying tickets left and right. In fact three shows have already sold out"

"Which locations?" Jin asked.

"Detroit, Chicago, and Miami" he replied.

"So where is our tour starting. Do you have a schedule of places and dates?" Rm asked.

"Of course I do" olstein went behind his desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper. He brought it over to namjoon and handed it to him.

J-hope leaked over and looked at the sheet as well, he was sitting on the other side of Jin, who was sitting next to Rm.

"We start here. That makes sense" j hope said.

"Your first show is in two days" olstein said.

Jungkook looked up with wide eyes. "That's a bit soon. Is the production set even ready?"

"Yes. They've been ready for weeks. The only thing we have left is to set up which music you are singing and get you fitted for costumes" Mr. Olstein sat back at his desk, crossing his hands over his chest.

"Ok. We already have our music playlist set up" Jimin said. "We prepared it awhile ago and have written new songs as well"

Mr Olstein nodded. "Sounds perfect. Tomorrow we will take you to a designer who will have you fitted"

He turned and looked at you. "You are going on tour with them don't forget. Pack your things and make sure they get around on time"

You nodded and stayed silent.

"Well you guys have a lunch set up with a brand deal company, you should get going" Mr Olstein said.

"I completely forgot about the H and M brand deal" V said.

Suga sighed. "Well let's go"

The boys stood up and walked out into the hall.

You walked toward the door.

"Stop" you heard a voice say. "Close the door"

You closed the door and turned around. "Yes sir?"

He walked over to you, his hand lightly caressed your arm. "You're doing such a great job already"

You flinched your arm away.

"Don't be scared. I won't touch you any other places. Not yet" he smirked.

"I've got to go" you turned and left quickly.

"Hurry to the van" you said, ushering the boys out.

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