Why so serious?

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You and the boys stayed at a hotel near LA. Tomorrow you would all move into a large condo together and begin learning American culture together.

You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard a knock at the door.

"Just a moment" you said. Room service came at odd times.

You wrapped a towel around yourself, brushed out your wet hair, and opened the door.

It wasn't room service at all rather, but Jimin, standing their, wearing a black t shirt and basketball shorts. His hair was also damp and he had a small green hand towel wrapped around his shoulders.

You closed the door until there was a small crack.

"How may I help you?" You half squeaked.

"Uhhhh, the guys and I. Or um, me and the guys are just chatting and stuff, and were wondering if you'd like to join us in our room" he said. His cheeks were every shade of red possible.

You opened the door a bit more. His eyes traveled down the entire length of your body and back up to your eyes.

The look in his eyes looked like he might devour you if given the chance.

"I'll see if I have the time. I have some paperwork to fax. Thank you" you closed the door quickly.

Things must stay strictly professional. Forget how you watched the water beads and droplets fall from his lashes.

You got dressed in some sweats. You opened your laptop, 50 new emails.

You rubbed your temples lightly, massaging them and let out a groan.

An hour later you had gone through your emails, faxed over the boys passports and identity information to you record label, and taken care of transporting their furniture items into their new condo.

You closed your laptop and decided to go knock on the boys hotel room door.

Jhope answered and let out a squeal.

"You came to chat. We are playing never have I ever. It's an American game that Namjoon is trying to teach us!!"

"Yes I've heard of it" you said.

They were sitting on different beds, sitting in a circle.

Suga's eyes found yours, then looked away with a scowl almost.

You sat down next to RM.

He smiled at you. "This hotel is fantastic"

"Yes thank you for booking it for us" Jin said.

"You're welcome"

Jungkook scooted closer to you.

You looked at him.

"So what do you know about each of us?" He asked.

"Little to nothing" you said.

"You at least know our names right?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course?"

"Our REAL names?" J-hope asked.


Jhope cheered. "Good job!" He clapped.

"It's my job to know" you said, shrugging. "I'm suppossed to manage your business affairs, and even some of your personal ones"

"What personal affairs?" Rm asked.

"Well, relationships, self harm, suicide type of things, and fan relationships"

"What do you mean our relationships?" Jin asked.

"Well I have to teach you how to come out about being in a relationship and if you don't want anyone knowing about a relationship you are in, I must teach you how to hide it from American press" you said.

"Americans are good at getting into our information and stuff aren't they?"Suga asked.

"Yes. Hackers are everywhere. And American fans get a little more crazy I would suggest"

"And would if we were in a relationship with you another staff/ tour member team?" Jimin asked, eyeing you.

"I-uh, that's completely different" you stuttered, feeling heat ride to your cheeks.

"Don't be weird" Suga said.

V said something in Korean. The whole group began laughing hysterically.

You looked at Rm, eyebrow raised.

"V said you look like a tomato when you are nervous?"

You looked to the ground.

"Why so serious?" V asked. "I was only joking"

Jungkook squeezed your thigh.

"Jungkook watch yourself" Jin said.

You blushed. "It's getting late I should get back to my room"

You stood up and so did Rm.

"This was fun" j-hope said.

"Get sleep everyone, we have a big day tomorrow" you said.

"What's tomorrow?" Jimin asked.

"We introduce you to the public" you said. You left and walked out.

Rm closed the door behind you.

You slept well that night.

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