The night sky

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Kill them with success and bury them with a smile~ Kim Namjoon

Filled with bursts of color as fireworks exploded in the sky.

You sat on a small quilted towel. The boys were supposed to meet you there soon. You were sitting in a grassy field.

The Fourth of July had always been one of your favorite holidays. Such spirit and effort went into it. It was something that adults and children could get involved in.

You saw children running around with sparklers. A week ago, the boys had performed in Arizona. You now were in Nebraska. This was the last show before you would all settle back into life in LA for a month. Your boss had prepared and furnished the condo. Five rooms. It had a pool in the back and was in a quiet reserved community neighborhood.

Rumor had it that Brendan Urie owned a house in that neighborhood. Which would be super cool if it was true.

You stared up at the sky again and smiled. You and Jimin hadn't spoke much, both being too busy. But you would give eachother subtle glances.

A hand grabbed your shoulder and you jumped.

"Oh ha ha, sorry to scare you" jhope sat down and smiled.

Jin sat down on the other side of you. "I like the pink fireworks the best"

"I like the rainbows!!" Jhope exclaimed.

"That's nice" you looked at the sky and laid on your back.

Jungkook and tae were sitting on a blanket a few feet away, leaning close to eachother. Rm came and sat down.

"It's interesting how fireworks work, does that make sense?" Namjoon.

"Oh definitely" Jin said shaking his head up and down.

"What's up Y/N?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing much" you were wondering where Jimin was, but didn't want to make it too obvious that you were waiting for him.

"Where's Jimin hyung?" Tae asked from his blanket.

Your ears practically perked up.

"He felt sick, so he's laying in the back on the van" Namjoon continued staring at the sky as he spoke.

He and Jin's hands were only centimeters apart. You smiled to yourself. They seemed to like one another.

"I'm gonna go look for Jimin" you stood up and brushed the little leaves of stray grass off of you.

You walked through the field back to the parking lot. The van was park on the side closest to the field, the back of the van was facing the fireworks. Jimin was in there, laying down, an arm propping his head up as he watched the fireworks.

"Hello" you said quietly.

He jumped a little. Then laughed. "I didn't see you there. I was so focused on all the colors" his eyes found yours.

"I know how you feel. If you look away for a second, you could miss a single amazing firework" you said, sitting down on the edge of the van. "So I heard you aren't feeling well"

"Yeah, I think I've got a bit of a fever, can you feel my forehead?" He asked.

"Sure" you reached your hand out and pressed it against his forehead. He was burning up. " yeah, you definitely do"

"Well I guess I'll just have to lay down tonight and get some rest" he shrugged and laid back down.

"Yeah, and then tomorrow we fly back to the condo and ugh, I have so much to do" you rubbed your temples.

"Don't think about that right now" jimin grabbed your arm and pulled you down beside him. "Just lay with me"

You nuzzled into his chest. "I feel like we haven't had anytime with each other this past little while" you whispered.

"I agree, I'm always so busy and so are you. Even though we are always near each other, sometimes I feel like you are so far away" jimin ran a hand through your hair.

You sighed happily.

"What are we Y/N?" Jimin asked.

You shrugged lightly. "Depends on what you want us to be" another loud burst. A good firework lit up the sky, followed by a firework in the shape of a heart.

"The sky is giving us signs" jimin chuckled lightly. You did as well. "In all seriousness though Y/N, I honestly just want to be able to call you my girl"

"Your girl" you repeated.

"Yes, my girl, talking bout, myyyy girl" jimin sang.

You heard voices as tae and jungkook walked over to the van.

They paused when they saw you and Jimin cuddles up to eachother.

"Suga hyung will be upset" tae said.

"Why? How?" You asked.

"He told Jimin to behave himself" Jungkook stated.

Jimin day up abruptly. "I am behaving myself" he whined.

Tae bent over laughing. "You and Y/N are over here canoodling, I wouldn't call that behaving yourself"

"It's not like I'm fucking her or anything" jimin said. He stood up and stretched. Heat went to your cheeks and they turned bright pink. He smiled at you sheepishly. "It's true"

"Suga hyung said to be professional" Jungkook poled Jimin's chest.

Jimin threw his hands up in surrender. "I will behave myself, Jesus calm down"

Tae pointed a finger at you. "You behave yourself too Y/N"

You looked at his sheepishly. "I will"

"No seducing jimin hyung" tae said.

"A bit too late for that" jimin said.

"I didn't even do anything" you said,.

"You don't have to do anything Y/N" jimin said, sitting on the edge of the van.

Jungkook grabbed his bottled water from the back seat. "Let's go tae, before they get all romantic and shit" He and tae walked off.

Jimin suddenly got up and pushed your back down so you were laying in the van. He was poised above you, his hands on either side of your head, caging you down with his body.

"Seeing your cheeks go pink gives me a rush" he said. "I want to earn your little moans and whimpers"

"No sex, remember?" You joked.

"I know" jimin said quickly, frowning. His lips came down to your neck, kissing his way up to your jaw, then onto your lips. His full lips were soft, yet needy, wanting more. You bit his lower lip and pulled on it a bit. "No, don't do that" he almost gasped, forcing air from his lungs.

"Sorry" you smirked a bit. Jimin got up and laid next to you again. You felt yourself dozing off.

Waking up and hour later, you could feel the van moving. You sat up quickly and saw the boys sitting around you, Jin was driving the van back to the hotel.

You realized you were curled up in someone's lap, yet it didn't feel familiar. You looked up to see jhope, holding you in his arms.

"You looked cold" he said.

"Where's jimim?" You asked.

"He had something to take care of, he will meet us back at the hotel later" Namjoon said.

You nodded and dozed off again.

Management// Jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now