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Joey walks in the room a second later.
J: Why are you already in bed?
A: I'm tired and I don't feel good.
J: Oh.

Joey strips down to his boxers and gets in the bed, he wraps his arms around me.
J: It feels good to cuddle again. *laughs*
A: *Laughs* Yeah it does.

He kisses me cheek and my neck, he starts to leave a hickey on my neck.
A: No Joey. Not tonight.

I put my phone on the nightstand and roll on my side, I close my eyes.
J: Cmon babe. Please?
A: No.

I fall asleep, Joey falls asleep a little bit after me. I wake up around 7:00 am to 1 of the babies crying, I get up and walk to their room. I grab Mason and sit down in the rocking chair and start rocking back and forth.
A: Shh. It's okay Mason. Please stop crying?

He continues to cry, I get up and walk over to the changing station and change him. He stops crying so I put him in his crib.
*End Of Recap*

It's been 5 years since I've had Mason and Kaiden, Mason and Kaiden are now 5 years old and me and Joey are 21. Charles and Mya named their kid Nolan, I'm in Mason and Kaiden's room getting them dressed.
J: Ava, your phone is ringing.

Joey walks in the room and hands me my phone.
A: Can you finish getting them dressed?
J: Yeah.

I stand up and Joey kisses me, he continues getting the twins dressed while I walk to the kitchen and see that it's an unknown number, I answer it.
A: Hello?
Mom: Hi Ava.
A: Who is this?
Mom: This is your Mom sweetie.
A: What do you want?
Mom: I'm in California for a business trip and I wanted to see you and your brothers.
A: Why would you want to see us? You slut shamed me.
Mom: I know and I'm sorry Ava. I wasn't in my right mind to ever do that. I just want to see you guys. It's been almost 6 years Ava. I also have some things to tell you guys.
A: Okay. I have something to tell you too I guess.
Mom: Can we meet somewhere?
A: Yeah. Olive Garden?
Mom: Sure. I'll see you in a bit.
A: Okay.

I set my phone down and walk to Mason and Kaiden's bedroom.
K: Hi mommy.
A: Hi baby. Joey are you almost ready?
J: Yeah. Why?
A: Because that was my Mom.
J: Shit-
M: Shit.
J: Mason don't say that. It's a bad word.
A: She wants to meet us at Olive Garden. She said she needs to tell me things.
J: Okay. Let's go get your shoes on.
M: No. I want to play.
A: We can play when we get back.
M: No. I want to play now.
J: Mason stop being stubborn and let's go get shoes on.
M: No. You aren't my boss.
A: Mason listen to Dad or you are going to get a spanking.
M: No.
J: I'll deal with Mason and you can go get Kaiden's shoes on if you want.
A: Okay. Come here Kaiden.

Kaiden walks out of the room and walks to the shoe rack.
K: I want to wear these ones.
A: We're not wearing sandals today. It's too cold outside. Grab your tennis shoes.
K: I want to wear these ones mommy.
A: Kaiden, put those ones down and grab your tennis shoes and go sit on the couch.
K: No.
A: Now Kaiden.
K: Fine. You're a mean mommy.

I roll my eyes and grab the sandals and put them back on the shoe rack, I grab his tennis shoes and walk to the couch. He sits down and I start putting his shoes on, Joey walks out and sets Mason on the couch.
J: You are both going to take a nap when we get back.

Joey starts putting on Masons shoes.
K: I don't want to take a nap.
A: Well maybe you guys should start listening to us.

I grab Kaiden and Joey grabs Mason, we walk out to the car and put them in their car seats. Joey gets in the drivers seat while I get in the passengers seat, he starts driving to Olive Garden.
A: What do you guys want to eat?
M: A cheeseburger.
A: They don't have cheeseburgers. Do you want salad or spaghetti?
K: Spaghetti.
J: Mason what do you want?
M: Noodles.
J: So spaghetti?
M: Yeah.

We get to Olive Garden a few minutes later, we get out of the car and grab Kaiden and Mason. We walk inside, I see Mom sitting with a guy. We start walking over to them.
Mom: Ava!

She stands up and hugs me.
A: Hi Mom.

She sits back down and me and Joey along with the twins sit down.
Mom: Are you guys babysitting for the day?
A: Actually-
K: Mommy Mason isn't sharing the crayons.
Mom: Did he just call you Mom?
A: Yeah. A lot happens in almost 6 years.
Mom: You had kids?
A: Yes. They're 5 now.
Mom: Who the hell is the dad?
A: Who do you think it is? Who is sitting with us?
Mom: Joey is the Dad?
J: Yeah, I am.

Mom rolls her eyes.
J: Is that a problem?
Mom: *Whispers* Ava, you know that I didn't like Joey and I still don't.

I roll my eyes.
A: Who is that.
Mom: Oh uh Ava this is your stepfather, Robert.
J: You got married.

Joeys eyes go wide and chuckles, I look at him.
A: Joey knock it off.
M: Kaiden stop I want the green 1.
J: Kaiden, you have a green 1 so give that 1 to Mason.
K: But mine is broken.
J: It will still work. Just use it.
K: No. I want this 1.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

my brothers best friend ~ a joey birlem story Where stories live. Discover now