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She stands up and hugs me.
A: Hi Mom.

She sits back down and me and Joey along with the twins sit down.
Mom: Are you guys babysitting for the day?
A: Actually-
K: Mommy Mason isn't sharing the crayons.
Mom: Did he just call you Mom?
A: Yeah. A lot happens in almost 6 years.
Mom: You had kids?
A: Yes. They're 5 now.
Mom: Who the hell is the dad?
A: Who do you think it is? Who is sitting with us?
Mom: Joey is the Dad?
J: Yeah, I am.

Mom rolls her eyes.
J: Is that a problem?
Mom: *Whispers* Ava, you know that I didn't like Joey and I still don't.

I roll my eyes.
A: Who is that.
Mom: Oh uh Ava this is your stepfather, Robert.
J: You got married.

Joeys eyes go wide and chuckles, I look at him.
A: Joey knock it off.
M: Kaiden stop I want the green 1.
J: Kaiden, you have a green 1 so give that 1 to Mason.
K: But mine is broken.
J: It will still work. Just use it.
K: No. I want this 1.
*End Of Recap*

A: Kaiden just give Mason the crayon. You already have 1.
K: No.

Joey grabs the green crayon and hands it to Mason, the waiter comes and takes our orders. He comes back 20 minuets later with our food and drinks, we start eating. 10 minuets later Kaiden starts pulling on my shirt.
A: What?
K: I want to go home. I'm tired.
A: Okay. Tell Dad so he can get some boxes.
K: Daddy I want to go home.
M: Me too.
J: Okay.

The waiter walks over and Joey asks for to-go boxes, he comes back and hands us the boxes. We start putting our food in them.
Mom: Are you and Joey planning on getting married?
A: I don't know. If we do then we do and if we don't we don't I guess.
J: Babe, are you ready?
A: Yeah. I'll call you tomorrow or something.
Mom: Okay. Love you.
A: Love you too.

Joey gets out of the booth and grabs Mason, Kaiden gets out next while I grab our food.
K: I don't want to walk. I'm tired.
A: We're almost to the car bub.
K: No.

Kaiden stops walking and starts crying.
J: Kaiden, let's go now cmon.
K: *Crying* N-no.

Joey grabs the food and I grab Kaiden, we walk out to the car and put Mason and Kaiden in their car seats. I get in the car and Joey gets in the driver seat and starts driving home, I hear snoring from the backseat. I look back and see Mason and Kaiden sleeping.
J: Hey Ava?
A: What?
J: Can I maybe talk to you about something?
A: Yeah. What is it?
J: I know that we aren't even married yet but I was kind of thinking the other day.
A: About?
J: I kinda want to have another baby.
A: You want another 1?
J: Well yeah. But if you don't want to then we don't have to. I was just thinking about it because we could grow our family and it's just another thing we can share together.
A: Do you think it's a good idea?
J: I do but if you don't want to then-
A: I think that it's a very good idea Joey.
J: Really?
A: Yeah. When do you want to try?
J: We could try when we get home. The twins will be taking a nap anyways.
A: What if they wake up?
J: Ava, they won't wake up. They haven't woken up yet when we do it and plus they are deep sleepers. We will just have to be quite.
A: Okay.

When we get back to the apartments Joey parks the car and we get out, I unbuckle Mason and grab him while Joey grabs Kaiden. We start walking to our apartment, when we walk inside we walk to the twins room and lay them down in their beds. We take their shoes off, I walk to the shoe rack by the door and put them away. I slip my shoes off and Joey comes up behind me and grabs my waist, he turns me around and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back, he takes my leggings off and I push his pants down and take them off. He starts kissing my neck leaving hickeys behind, I start kissing him and he kisses back. Joey unhooks my bra and slides the straps off of my arms, he throws the bra across the room. Joey starts kissing down my chest to my v-line, I let out a breathy moan.
A: J-Joey.

He takes my underwear off and slides his off, he comes back up to me and starts kissing me again. Joey breaks the kiss and lays his forehead against mine.
J: I love you.
A: I love you too.

He pecks my lips and pulls the covers over us, Joey pushes into me a few seconds later. He kisses me so the moans are muffled, he starts thrusting faster and faster. We finish 15 minuets later and he pulls out, he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head in the crook of my neck.
A: You're cute. *giggles*
J: *Laughs* You're cuter.

I smile and laugh again, Joey kisses my jawline.
J: We can go get pregnancy tests in the morning.
A: Okay.

I smile at Joey and he smiles back at me, he gets off of me and grabs my waist and pulls me closer to his chest.
A: Joey, we need to get dressed.
J: But why?
A: Because I need to go make dinner and we can't just roam around naked.
J: I wish we could.

I smile and roll my eyes, Joey gets up and go gives me my clothes. We start getting dressed.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

my brothers best friend ~ a joey birlem story Where stories live. Discover now