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Joey walks over to me.
J: She's hot.
C: Shut up Joey.
J: Is that her boyfriend?
C: No that's her best friend Mark. They've known each other for 11 years. I'm gonna try and contact her and see if she can come down to L.A for the summer.

(Ava's POV)
I get a text from an unknown number.
C: Hi Ava.
A: Who is this?
C: This is Charles. You're twin
A: How did you get my number?
C: I went to your YouTube channel and found that mom has YouTube and she subscribed to you so I contacted her and she gave me your number.
*End Of Recap*

A: Oh. I've been wanting to get into contact with you again.
C: Me too. Do you want to come out to California for the summer?
A: Yeah. I miss you guys so much.
C: We miss you so much too.
A: Let me text mom and see what she says.
C: No need to do that I already asked her and she said yes. You leave tomorrow at 12 pm.
A: Yay! I can't wait!
C: Me, dad and Thomas will be waiting for you at the airport  
A: Okay🤗

Me and Charles talk for a bit longer, I leave Marks house 2 hours later. When I get home I start packing my suitcases, mom walks in my room.
M: Are you excited?
A: Yeah. I haven't seen them for 10 years.

She smiles at me and walks away, once I'm all packed I lay down on my bed feeling exhausted. I look at my phone and see that it's 9 pm, I plug my phone in and go to sleep. My mom wakes me up the next morning around 10 am, I get up and get dressed. I grab my suitcases and walk downstairs and set my stuff by the door, I walk in the kitchen and see Mark.
A: Hi Mark.
M: Hey Ava. Do you have to leave? I'm gonna be so bored.
A: Yes because the plane ticket is already booked and I haven't seen my brothers and dad for 10 years. You could always come visit.
M: I'm gonna come visit you then.
Mom: Cmon Ava. We need to leave. Mark do you need a ride home?
M: No thanks. I'm heading to Jacob's after you guys leave.
Mom: Okay.

Me and Mark hug.
A: Bye Markus.
M: Bye Ava.

We walk out of the house, me and Mark hug again and he starts walking to Jacob's. I get in the car and mom starts driving to the airport, we get there a few minutes later. I walk inside and head towards the security, mom stops me and hugs me.
Mom: I love you so much Ava. Be safe and tell your brothers I love and I miss them. Okay?
A: I will. I love you too mom. I promise I'll be safe.

Mom hugs me again and walks away, 1 hour later I'm on the plane and we're taking off. I put in my earbuds and start listening to music, we land 5 hours later and it's 5:30 pm. I get off of the plane and walk past security, I look and see Charles, dad and a really cute boy. I walk over to my dad and hug hug him, he hugs me back.
D: I missed you so much Ava.
A: I missed you so much too.

Dad breaks the hug and Charles comes and hugs me, I hug him back.
C: It has been way to long since I've seen you. I missed you a lot.
A: I know. I missed you a lot to Charles.

Me and Charles break the hug, the cute boy whispers in his ear.

(Charles's POV)
Joey whispers in my ear.
J: *Whispers* Your sister is hotter in person. *laughs*
C: Shut up Joey.

I elbow him in the stomach, he walks over to Ava and shakes her hand.
J: Hi I'm Joey, Charles best friend and maybe your future best friend.

I glare at Joey.
A: I'm Ava. Charles's twin. 
C: We should go now.

Joey let's go of Ava's hand and she grabs her suitcase, we start walking to the car.

(Ava's POV)
We get in the car and dad starts driving to the house, when we get there dad walks to his room and goes to bed.
C: I'll show you your room. Joey stay down here.

I look and see Charles glare at Joey, we walk into my room. I sit on my bed and Charles sits by me.
C: Can I talk to you really quick?
A: Yeah.
C: Please do not get involved with Joey.
A: I won't. Why would I? He's your best friend.
C: Thank you and if he tries anything tell him no.

Charles gets up and walks to my room, he grabs the door handle.
A: No promise. 
C: What?
A: Nothing. I'm tired.
C: Oh. Goodnight.

He walks out of my room, I unpack my suitcase and put my clothes in he drawer. I put on a pair of pajamas and fall asleep, I wake up the next morning and take a shower. I leave my hair down and get dressed, I walk downstairs to the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. Charles comes and sits by me.
C: What's your plans for the day?
A: Nothing. I don't know anyone here.
C: Do you want to go to the beach? Joey has a sister our age that you can hang out with.
A: Sure.
C: Okay. Her name is Sophia. We're leaving in 35 minuets.
A: Okay.

I put my bowl away in the dishwasher, I turn around and run into Joey's chest.
J: Hi.

I blush.
J: Do you want to hang out at the beach?
A: Charles told me not to get involved with you because your his friend.
J: You can pretend to go to the snack bar and I can say I'm going to the bathroom a few minutes later.
A: I don't think that's a good idea.
J: It shouldn't matter. We would just be hanging out.

Joey winks.
A: Okay I guess.

Charles walks down the stairs.
C: What are you guys doing?

Joey moves to the side.
J: Nothing.

I walk up the stairs.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reading this chapter. Byeeeeeee

my brothers best friend ~ a joey birlem story Where stories live. Discover now