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Tom promptly walked out of the store. Note in one hand, he tentatively reached into his pocket and scooped his hand up under Matt, pulling him out.

Matt was asleep.

Tom raised an eyebrow as he quietly looked at the tiny sleeping person in his hand. Should I wake him up? he wondered. He looked so cozy and happy, with a tiny smile on his face. Tom didn't want to disturb him. The more he thought about the situation, however, the hotter his face grew.

Tom squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. Nah, I don't care, he decided. Finding this shrink ray is more important than his beauty sleep. He promptly lifted his hand, and with his index finger, ever so gently poked Matt in the stomach. The tiny human was warm, and Tom felt as if he could easily hurt him.

Matt whimpered as he opened his eyes slowly, stretching out as if he were on a bed. He looked around groggily for a second before he made eye contact with Tom. He stared for a few moments, until, with a sudden jump, he gasped and sat up. "I-I'm so sorry Tom! I'm sorry!" He stood up. "I'm sorry!" he said again. He covered his face with his arms.

Tom squinted. "Uh... It's okay?" He was unsure as to why Matt was so distressed. "Really Matt, it's okay. All you did was fall asleep."

"Okay," Matt said. He looked down at his shoes.

"So," continued Tom, raising an eyebrow, "I didn't find the shrink gun."

Matt's face fell further.

"But someone else did. And they left a note for us." He held up the now slightly crumpled sticky note for Matt to see.

"Yes!" Matt whooped. He jumped up with a grin and pumped his fist. When he landed, Tom's hand sunk slightly and Matt almost fell off, losing his footing on the soft and loose skin. He threw his arms out for balance and let out a small yelp, his eyes going wide with fear.

"Careful," Tom said calmly while Matt's life was still flashing before his eyes. "C'mon, let's go to wherever this thing's address is." He lifted Matt to his left shoulder again. He took his hoodie string and held it up until Matt grabbed it with with both arms in a tight bear hug.

As Tom walked to the car, Matt sat on his shoulder right next to the fold on his hoodie. Matt scooted to the right so he could hold onto both it and the hoodie string. Warmth radiated from the blue surface below him, but it was nowhere near as all-enveloping as the hoodie pocket. He sighed as the freezing winter air bit violently at the skin of his face. He lifted a handful of the hood up and buried his face in it.

At the feeling of a pull on his hood, Tom turned his head ever so slightly to the left. He could see Matt inching closer to his neck and grabbing onto the fold of his hood. Unconcerned, Tom turned away. He opened the door of the car and got in.

He turned the key in the ignition. Cold air having been stagnant in the inner workings of the vehicle blew in his face, making his eyes burn slightly.

"Let me put you on the dashboard," Tom said to Matt after he recovered. He held up his hand to his shoulder.

"Actually," Matt said, directing his face toward Tom's ear, "it's... it's kinda cold on the dashboard. Can I... stay on... your shoulder...?" Matt unconfidentally squeaked the last few words, turning his head away.

Tom raised an eyebrow and looked at Matt through the corner of his eye. "What was that?"

Matt's cheeks turned ever-so-slightly pink. "C-can I stay on your shoulder?" He repeated, embarrassed.

"...Sure," Tom said with an inexplicable expression.

Matt looked down at his feet, slightly disappointed in himself. You made him mad, he thought. For a few minutes of the drive, Matt tried to convince himself that he didn't do anything wrong.

To Tom, Matt was acting strangely quiet. With a mental shrug he thought, He's probably stressed about the situation. Through Tom's mind ran many possible situations and outcomes of the situation they were about to face. Nothing bad is going to happen. Nothing. Stop worrying about it, he told himself.

Matt was satisfied with his spot on Tom's shoulder. However, whenever he looked up at Tom's head and neck, he felt less and less so. Matt tried to resist, to restrain himself. He really did.

Matt slowly scooted closer to Tom's neck. His heart began throbbing in his ears as he edged ever closer to the soft, pale skin. He felt his cheeks turn pink. He took a deep breath. Be brave Matt. He didn't know why he was so nervous and shy about this. Well... He had an idea. Matt climbed slowly over the hood.

Matt snuggled in between the hood and Tom's neck. He curled up in a cozy ball, soaking up the body heat that radiated directly from Tom's skin like a stove top. He made himself feel small and frankly adorable, burying the side of his face in his neck.

He felt Tom become extremely tense. The car suddenly jerked ever so slightly, then steadied out again. Matt opened one eye and looked up at Tom's face as best he could. From what he could see, Tom's black pits for eyes were wide, staring straight ahead. The most interesting part to Matt however was that the small area of Tom's cheeks he could see was blushing a bright, hot red.

Matt closed his eye and buried his face again.

Tingles and chills filled every nook and cranny inside Tom as he felt the tiny body nestle straight into his neck. Wh-what is he doing? He felt like he was blushing a tiny bit. He tried to straighten out his face, to make Matt think nothing was wrong.

Tom's hands were shaking ever so slightly on the wheel. He clenched it harder, his knuckles paled a little. His left leg bounced quickly up and down.

Why do I feel like this?

Tom took a quiet, shaky breath.

I... Wasn't I... straight? What am I feeling?

Tom turned his head, pretending he wasn't paying attention to Matt. They were on a one lane road, getting deeper and deeper into a woody, rural area. Deciduous trees narrowly lined the road leaving little margin of error.

Tom had almost forgotten about the situation with Matt. I should... keep my eyes on the... the road... He swallowed nervously and faced straight forward again. I... He blinked his eyes and shook his head. I am straight. I've always been straight. I do not have... feelings... for Matt. Though Tom did his best to convince himself, lingering doubts still floated in the back of his mind.

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