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Hey readers! My school year has finally ended! Finals are behind me and not even the weight of a feather is on my shoulder. All responsibilities are gone for the next few weeks until marching band so I should be able to write chapters pretty regularly! Thank you so much for sticking with me while I was gone!!!

"Come check out my new car, Edd!"

Tom stood in the doorway of Edd's apartment, face to face with the green hoodie man. Tom wore a huge grin, eyes turned upward with enthusiasm, while Edd seemed only slightly interested. Tom held up a keychain, jangling the plastic pineapple and bowling ball from it along with a brand new set of car keys.

The corners of Edd's mouth curled up into a smirk. "Van-tastic! Car-ngratulations!"

In a split second Tom's grin morphed into an unamused glare. The two held eye contact for an awkward period of time, Edd still grinning. "Probably your worst ones so far," Tom finally stated. "Please. Just stop."

Edd shrugged. "Whatever." He resumed a relaxed composure. "Show me your car, then."

Edd followed Tom through the hallways of the apartment and outside. The sky was gray and dull with a ceiling of heavy clouds. That distinctive smell that sometimes appeared before rain was present. Edd's hair and clothes fluttered in the gusty, cool wind.

Tom moved down the sidewalk past various other sedans and vans parked in front of the building. He twirled his keys on his finger with subdued pride and happiness, other hand in his pocket, as he led Edd to his car. The plastic icons attached to it clacked together occasionally.

Sitting idly in a parking space nearby was a brand-new, dark blue sedan. The shiny, metallic coat of paint would've glimmered in the daylight if the sun hadn't been dulled and hidden behind the gathering clouds.

Tom made his way next to it and rested an elbow on the hood, smirking proudly. "Well? What do you think of it?" He lifted up the keys and clicked a button on it. Suddenly the car's engine purred to life.

"That's cool," Edd said with an indifferent shrug, eyeing it carefully. "But can it fly?"

Tom stared at him for a second. "Cars... can't fly, Edd..." How was he not impressed? It was a nice, expensive car that Tom was excited to show off to his neighbors. Well, it's Edd. You never know what he's gonna say anyway.

Edd furrowed his brow, deep in thought, nodding slowly. "Oh yeah. You're right. Guess I was confused."

After a pause, Tom's chest rose and fell with a deep, transitional sigh. "Well? What do you say we take it for a spin?" Tom suggested, leaning back and patting the hood of his car, flashing his teeth in an eager grin. The vibrations from under the hood send a pleasing tingle through his fingertips.

With only a bright smile as a response, Edd strode over and hopped into the passenger's side. The door shut next to him with a satisfying clunk. Tom's door shut with the same sound. As Edd buckled himself in, the stereotypical "new car smell" faintly wafted through his nose.

Tom buckled in and backed out of the parking space, then pulled out of the parking lot onto the road. Edd fiddled with the buttons on the car around him, Tom watching from the corner of his eye like a protective mother.

One button moved the window - it went up and down pretty quickly and smoothly. Another button moved the chair itself around. It could move it forward, backward, or even lean it back. The final button was a heated seat button, which Edd didn't need since he liked the temperature as it was.

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