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Tom screamed with pain. It was like he was being torn to shreds from the inside out. Excruciating. His blood boiled. Tord. Tord is going to die for that. Everyone is going to die. One emotion was growing. One emotion was taking control over his entire being - fury. No one hurts me like that and lives.

He'd felt this once before.

Tom struggled to keep a firm hold on his mind, but it was slipping away from him. To his decreasing horror, he felt the inside of his body crackle and squish as he grew ever larger. His thoughts were... being torn out of his mind... He couldn't think of anything except his anger at Tord. He'd... He'd kill Tord.

Every human thought was ripped away from him until all that was left was a primal need to kill. Tord will die. I will escape. The outer edges of his vision throbbed red.

Now completely having the body of a horrible beast, he was barely himself anymore. His human thoughts were buried deep in the subconscious. He heaved and growled, facing the ground.

Matt couldn't believe what he was seeing. Tom? Tom was really the monster who'd tried to kill Edd and Eduardo? He stared up at the towering beast. It crouched on the ground in a position that seemed like it was ready to pounce with tensed muscles.

That's kinda sick, Matt thought with a grin.

The beast lifted its head... or his head. The one, gaping black socket took in its surroundings and locked onto Tord like a heat seeking missile. Tord stared back, grinning wider and wider the longer they made eye contact.

A deep growl rumbled from within the throat of the creature. He crouched close to the ground, muscles coiled. Tord calmly walked backward away from the cell.

With a deafening, guttural roar, the creature that Tom had become leapt toward the bars with full force. He turned his body mid jump so that his powerful legs hit the electrified bars.

The bars weren't damaged at all - just as straight as they'd been before. Tom fell on his back and stayed there for a second, strong black tail twitching angrily. Matt worriedly looked at Tord to see how he'd react to Tom destroying his stuff again.

"Ahh, Tom!" Tord said. His face had a happier expression than it had had the whole time Matt and Tom were imprisoned there. "Don't you know - well, I'm guessing you probably don't know - those bars are made from an alloy made of the strongest metals possible."

Tom rolled over onto his belly and stood up again. He swung his monstrous head toward Tord. He leapt toward the bars again and grasped two of them in both of his powerful claws.

A million crackles of blue electricity zapped up his arms and he jerked them away. After a second of hesitation, he wrapped his claws around the bars again. Blue electric light flashed, ominously lighting up his dark body like a strobe. But he held on this time.

To Matt, the sight was terrifying. It was like a scene from a horror movie.

Tord laughed nervously, a tiny bit of fear crossing his face. "You'll won't be able to-"


Matt yelped and covered his ears. It sounded like the hull of an ancient sunken ship settling.

Tom was prying the bars open. With only his claws. The metal bars he gripped slowly bent toward him as he pulled with all his strength. Blue sparks flashed up and down his arms. The creature didn't react at all to the electricity constantly shocking it. His one giant chasm for an eye remained pitch black, staring at Tord.

"...Ah... Hahah..." Tord forced a laugh. His grin was rapidly leaving his face as he slowly backed away, eyes widening.

The monster began to growl. It rose deep in his throat until it escalated to a full blown roar.

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