Valentine's Day Special

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This chapter is not canon to the story, meaning no events in it are truly happening in the plot! I posted a poll on Amino and 90% wanted a Valentine's Day chapter. So here it is. Fluff is included. Enjoy the super long chapter!

"Are you excited for Valentine's Day?" Edd asked Tom, smiling casually and leaning on the side of Tom's sofa.

Sitting on the couch, Tom strummed on the strings of his bass, Susan. He looked at Edd with bored, half lidded eyes. "No." He turned back to his instrument and plucked at the strings, causing pleasant chords to swim through Edd's ears.

"Oh, c'mon, Tom!" Edd urged with a grin. He elbowed Tom in the side, causing him to sigh with irritation. "You know... You 'n Matt..."

Edd laughed sheepishly as Tom took a hand off his bass just to shove him off the sofa. Edd peeked over the arm of the sofa and saw Tom's face had faintly turned a barely noticeable shade of pink.

Tom groaned. "Instead of bothering me, you should get your own Valentine's date."

"Hmm..." Edd trailed off, pretending to think. He sat on the arm of the chair again. "Nah! I don't like anyone. And besides. It's much more fun to see what you two are gonna do for each other!"

Tom glared at Edd. "I'm not gonna do anything," he grumbled. "At least not if you're gonna keep bothering me about it," he added under his breath.

"Matt's gonna be super sad, then," Edd shrugged, standing up. "Super sad. He's gonna be, like, really sad." He began to walk toward the door of the apartment. He turned to the side and looked at Tom through the corner of his eye. "Really s-"

"Ugh, okay! I get it," Tom growled. He rested his head on his hand, bothered.

Mission phase one completed, Edd thought with a smile. Now, to initiate phase two.

Edd sighed theatrically. "Alright, Tom, your choice. Your idea. I can't force you to do anything." He opened the door. "See ya!" He shut it behind him before Tom could retaliate.

He laughed as he heard Tom groan from inside. He turned and started down the hall toward Matt's apartment. It was easy to tell which was his as he hung a framed photo of himself right on the door.

Edd knocked. "Hey Matt! It's me, Edd!"

He heard footsteps approaching the door. "Hey, Edd!" Matt said cheerfully, opening it. "Come on in."

Edd followed Matt and they both flopped down on the couch.

"What's up, Edd?" Matt asked.

"Mkay. So." Edd crossed his legs and turned to Matt like a gossiping teen. "You know what day it is tomorrow, right?"

Matt stared blankly, smiling. "Nope!"

Aww, he's hopeless, Edd thought. "February... 14th?" Edd tried to jog his memory.

He still didn't react. "Nah!"

"...Valentine's Day, Matt. Valentine's day is tomorrow." Edd smiled worriedly.

Matt's grin drooped off of his face. It was replaced with a shocked and horrified look. "Oh no!" He looked away and bit his lip. "What am I gonna get Tom?"

"Mmm. He likes cool things," suggested Edd. "Get him something cool, but still shows you love him."

"Something cool..." Matt put his hand to his chin. "Like flowers!" he grinned.

"Flowers aren't very... cool, y'know? But yeah, that's a classic idea."

Matt frowned and tilted his head. "Black flowers?" he asked, discouraged.

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