Seven Words [FINALE]

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Hey my wonderful readers! Writing this story has been a long journey, but you've stuck with me until the very end. Thank you everyone for all the support and love you've shown for this story. Without you, I would've lost motivation and quit at the very beginning. And now, here, I give you the final chapter of Tiny. I promise I will be writing stories in the future, some fanfiction and some of my own creations. And now: on with the final chapter! Enjoy!

Staring at the screen of his phone, the ginger was too stunned to formulate any proper thoughts or opinions. He felt... frozen. His mind was temporarily out of commission. He couldn't move. It seemed like the world around him had faded into a dull, monochrome sea of unimportant, swimming shapes.

The one thing that Matt could clearly see was the message on the bright screen of his phone. It was from Edd, and after he'd read it, everything around him had become fuzzy.

The text said "Tom just told me he likes you."

Matt had scanned over those seven words countless times, trying to grasp hold of the situation, trying to comprehend it properly. And once he finally realized he'd read it correctly, he felt himself begin to panic. Far removed in the background, he was vaguely aware of his heart rate picking up.

But even through his slowed mind, Matt was able to recognize he needed to calm himself down. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It seemed like the world shaking around him slowed.

So he does like me after all...?

Matt couldn't quite grasp the situation. He should be a lot more surprised, right? Shouldn't he be more excited or overwhelmed? But... the only emotion he felt was an odd, sticky, blurry calmness.

And strangely, Matt found himself thinking I'm actually not too shocked.

He clicked the phone off and set it in his lap. He leaned back in the chair and stared up at the ceiling, trying to formulate some opinion, any opinion, on the situation that had just popped up.

Haven't I been telling myself nonstop for the past few days that someone like him could never love someone like me?

Well... yeah. I have. But unless Edd's pulling my leg... He does like me. Tom likes me...

Matt finally felt a huge grin stretch across his lips. A mixture of emotions flooded through him. Relief, euphoria and excitement were only a few of many.

He stood up out of the sofa he sat on. Somewhat still in a dizzy daze, he strode over to the mirror he had hanging on the wall. He put his hands on his hips and smiled charmingly into its reflective surface. Tom likes me!

Matt compulsively smoothed his hair out. Of course he likes me! How could he not? He ran his fingers through his ginger locks.

He got closer to the mirror and stared deeply into his own sea blue eyes. He smiled again, but this time it felt more forced. Tom... likes me... He gave a little nervous laugh and saw his expression shift from a confident smirk to a shaky grimace.

Anxiety crawled down his spine as he thought about it more. Matt grabbed at his hair once again. Of its own accord, his mind explored the dark regions of "what kinds of bad things could possibly come of this." Oh god... Tom likes me!

Matt backed away from the mirror, an uneasy chuckle rising in his throat. He felt his hands quiver as he lowered them from his head. He shoved them into his pockets to stop their shaking as he began to pace slowly around his room.

What if he... what if he only likes me a little bit... Not enough to date me? What if Edd was joking when he texted me that...? What if... what if...

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