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It was all a dark haze. Matt didn't remember much from right before he lost consciousness. What he could recall came to him in foggy, muted flashes. It was as if he were viewing the memories through a film of thick, hot steam.

He had been on Tom's shoulder. There was blood on the ground. A huge stain of it. Dried. Old, but still extremely concerning.

Tom had silently jumped up, eyes white with fear and muted shock. The movement had caused Matt to almost fall off. Matt had wildly grabbed at the hood. He had swung off, hanging on only by the strength of his hands, and let out a startled yelp.

Tom had said something. Matt couldn't remember what it was, but he did remember Tom's sense of urgency. Matt heaved himself back up onto his shoulder.

Someone was sneaking up behind Tom. A black hood concealed their form and their face in a dark shroud. In their hand was... A rag.

Matt wasn't completely stupid. He knew what rags meant.

Warn him, Matt. Now. Matt's eyes bugged out. His words caught in his throat.

He was too slow.

"TOM!" Matt yelled, trying to get his attention by hitting his neck with his hands. "BEHIND YOU!"

The hooded person reached around and held the rag to Tom's mouth. Matt watched in horror as within seconds, Tom's eyes were fluttering. Tom was losing his balance. The moment seemed to last forever. The most Matt could do in the second before Tom fell to the ground was cling as tightly as he could to Tom's blue hood.

Matt squeezed his eyes shut. It seemed like they fell hundreds of feet to the ground, but Matt wasn't watching. Matt felt air run through his hair as the speed picked up.

With a dull thud, Tom hit the ground, but surprisingly impact wasn't that bad for Matt. Tom had fallen in snow. Matt looked up at the hooded assailant. The figure's shrouded head turned sharply toward Matt.

Matt only had seconds to react.

He quickly dove to the ground. The white snow stung his skin. After searching wildly for a place to hide for a split second, without the opportunity to think of a better option he lunged for the space between the arm of Tom's unconscious body and his side and buried himself in the snow.

Matt immediately regretted it. The snow covered him completely. They saw where I went. I'm not safe. The freezing powder enveloped him in an icy embrace.

For one long moment, all Matt could see what the white snow and the pale blue hue casted upon it by Tom's hoodie. He started to believe that somehow he had amazingly managed to evade them.

Suddenly everything around him was shifting. All the snow was moving and... falling. Matt was being moved... He had been scooped up in the gloved hands of whomever it was who had attacked Tom.

Matt looked down and saw Tom's body shrinking as the distance between them increased. Matt whirled around wildly in the hand to get a good look at their assailant.

Their face was covered in a black mask. Only their mouth was visible, and from what Matt could see they had pale skin and dark facial hair.

That was the last thing Matt saw before the rag engulfed him. He let out one muffled scream before his world turned black.


But that means... Matt thought groggily. That means I'm... we're... Through his tired mind, his blood ran cold. Kidnapped...

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