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The tiny ginger and the black eyed man continued on their trek through the chilly, extensive woods. It had warmed up a bit since the day before so they were definitely more comfortable. Tom was feeling very well rested compared to how he did after his escape in monster form, but he was absolutely famished.

Below to his ear he heard Matt's tiny stomach rumble loudly for his size. Tom chuckled at the somewhat embarrassing occurence. "Sorry," Matt laughed sheepishly. Tom felt him shift around to direct his voice up toward his ear. "Hey, d-do you think we'll have to eat an animal?" he asked, suddenly sounding heavily concerned.

Tom wasn't sure at all what the answer was. On one hand, they'd already traveled a great distance, so he figured safety couldn't be far off. However, there was no way to be sure, and Tom for some reason didn't feel very confident about it. "Pfff! Of course not," Tom scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. He wasn't as sure of himself as he acted but he wanted to convey a sense of reassurance to Matt. "We can't be very far from some sort of road. We'll find one and hitchhike." Tom sighed slightly as his stomach echoed the sound Matt's had made.

"I don't wanna get a disease from eating a squirrel or something!" Matt made a horrified expression, his voice rising. He clapped his hands to his cheeks. "Do you know how to build a fire? Cause I don't!"

"Calm down," Tom laughed. "We won't have to eat a squirrel. And no, I can't make a fire."

"We're gonna die!" Matt exclaimed.

After a few minutes of silent travel, Tom groaned. "Ugh. Matt, I want a turn to be the one being carried."

"Never!" Matt declared jokingly. He folded his arms with a stubborn huff.

Tom reached over with his hand and playfully poked Matt in the side, which, due to the sheer size difference between the two, caused Matt to nearly tumble backwards off Tom's shoulder. Matt screamed and swatted at his finger, pushing it away.

"Rude!" pouted Matt. He looked away indignantly.

"Don't call me rude!" Tom protested. "I'm like, twenty times bigger than you."

"And fatter, too," Matt muttered with a mischievous grin. In truth, Tom only had a bit of chub, but it held enough truth to get him going.

"Hey! I will turn this car..." He tilted his head, looking up into the sky, and thought for a second. "I will turn around!" he corrected himself. He was a bit hurt by Matt's remark, but he knew he didn't mean a word of it.

"Aww! You know I was just kidding!" Matt laughed, patting Tom's neck apologetically.

"Mmm," Tom hummed. He blinked with a heavy eye roll.

"Aww," Matt whimpered. "I'm so hungry." He weakly held his stomach with a longing face.

"Me too, buddy, me too," Tom sighed. "We'll eat soon."

Tom continued to walk. Sharp, stabbing hunger pangs caused Matt to whimper and clutch his tiny, thinning tummy. Well, at least he was warm. Tom had a high body temperature, as always. Combined with the fact that his hoodie was like a blanket for Matt, that made Tom the perfect place for the ginger to nap. He snuggled in, turning onto his side, feeling the hot skin of Tom's neck on him like a heater.

The hunger came at Matt in waves. For a long while, he would shudder and clutch his stomach as the dull pangs racked his body. It would then fade away, and Matt wouldn't notice how empty his stomach was. But then it would happen all over again. He wondered if Tom felt as bad as he did. If he did, he didn't show it.

If anybody knew how to ignore their own feelings, it was Tom. In truth, he was probably more hungry than Matt was, having moved and worked far more than Matt in their escape. But he had an amazing skill to completely shove his hunger to the back of his mind. But the lack of nutrition did cause him to feel weaker nontheless.

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