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A/N: Hey, readers. When commenting on my stories, please don't say anything that implies what I said is a sexual innuendo, such as "that's what she said" or something similar. It just makes me uncomfortable. Thanks. Please enjoy the chapter and share with your fellow eddheads.

Tom began to feel more and more protective over the tiny form nestled in the crook of his neck. If Tord ever tried to hurt the tiny ginger, he'd have another thing coming. On the other hand, he felt extremely nervous that he'd finally admitted to himself he had feelings for Matt. His entire life he'd never thought he could like another male, but now he was certain that that's what was happening.

He uncovered his face and listened to the miniscule, gentle snores of the tiny person next to his head, felt the pushing of his back against his neck as he breathed deeply. Tom shuddered at the feeling.

He was so fragile. Much like a little baby bird or a mouse.

If Tom simply made one wrong move, such as tripping and falling or rolling over in his sleep, he could end Matt's life in a flash. He grimaced and scooted away and sat up, leaving Matt on the cold floor. Alone.

Wait. Now I've no idea where he is. Tom swore under his breath, instantly regretting moving away and leaving him alone.

"Hey..." he heard Matt's tiny voice whine. "Where'd you go, Tom? I can't see you."

Matt felt very alone. He was disappointed to awake to not being pressed up against Tom's neck like before. Is he mad at me? He stood up, rubbing sleep from his eyes and staining to hear any sounds that would inform him of the giant black-eyed man's location. He's so huge! How could I possibly lose him?

"Right here, Matt." Fortunately he didn't seem far off.

Matt's mind wandered to the moments before he'd fallen asleep. His cheeks became slightly warm when he recalled his own behavior. He'd been acting like a little child, cuddling up to the closest protective adult. He covered his face, embarrassed, though no one could see it anyway. What was I thinking? Matt shook his head. Crap. Did I ruin our friendship? Did I ruin everything? He bit his lip nervously. Just because of my stupid romantic impulses.

"Matt?" Tom asked after hearing no response.

"S-sorry," Matt stuttered in response. He padded over in the direction of Tom's voice. Soon Tom's leg became visible in the dark. Matt ran up to it and patted it.

The leg jumped in surprise. "Ah! There you are," Tom said. So far, he didn't seem upset with him.

"So," Matt started, "what are we gonna do?" He climbed up and took a seat on Tom's leg, bouncing his own up and down, kicking him with his shoes repeatedly. "What's our escape plan?" He grinned eagerly in the dark.

Tom thought for a minute, scrunching his face up. "Well... Tord deadlocked me in with a big wall with a button, right?"

"Yeah," Matt replied, turning so that he faced the direction of Tom's head, his small legs slightly straddling Tom's normal sized one.

"Maybe there's one like somewhere it that reopens the wall."

"But it looks completely deadlocked," Matt remarked. "The kind that won't ever open, even if he really wants it to."

"Well... why would he lock me in if that meant he could never get me out again?" Tom reasoned. Matt shrugged and nodded in agreement. "Anyway. I obviously am too big and noticeable to escape this cell, so that's where you come in. To free me."

Matt listened closely.

"They probably have a control room where they open and close all doors from. You've gotta get out of here, find that room, and let me out."

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