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Tom was barely able to move as he gained consciousness. He groaned quietly and grimaced in his exhaustion. He felt like there were superheated daggers plunging into his stomach relentlessly. He whimpered with pain as he struggled to force his sluggish eyelids open.

The black haze of his vision reluctantly gave way to blurry blotches of color and unclear shape. Random colors surrounded him but he couldn't make out what they symbolized. A large green smudge on a white background with various browns and other colors.

Tom's stomach rumbled deafeningly the smell of food wafted into his nose. His eyes widened and his mouth watered until he was forced to swallow in order to breathe without choking. He rubbed his eyes and tried to make out the form.

"Tom!" came the voice of Edd from the direction of the green blur in front of him. A clicking sound came from directly in front of his face as a lighter tone swam in front of him. "You passed out for a second there. But I got you to the couch. I also have some food for you." He handed an item to Tom that came into focus nearer to his face.

Tom grabbed it and saw that it was a delicious-smelling microwaved hot dog.

"Don't eat it too fast or-" Edd began, but stopped with a sigh as Tom started to chow down on it ravenously. "-Or you might throw up." Though Tom didn't notice, Edd sniffled and shakily wiped his eyes.

Tom didn't hear him through his hunger- fueled trance. The food gave him pure bliss after being starved. It tasted so good. He felt like he could eat those all day. Then again, even horrible half-cooked drive-thru food would taste like heaven in a state like Tom's. Within one minute the whole thing had disappeared. His slightly shrunken tummy felt infinitely better after the meal.

Matt sat on Edd's shoulder and laughed with relief at Tom. His best friend was finally feeling better. The way he woke up reminded him of a sleepy puppy that suddenly gets super excited when he sees a ball. He felt like crawling onto him and petting his hair.

He'd been horrified when Tom had passed out. He thought he'd... died from starvation. He'd cried a bit, hoping against all hope that he'd only passed out. And thankfully that was the truth.

"Edd, can I have some food, too?" Matt asked politely. In truth, his stomach was screaming for something, anything. He wasn't sure if he himself could stay conscious for much longer.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, Matt!" Edd said apologetically. He put a sheltering hand over Matt on his shoulder to ensure he wouldn't fall, though Matt felt like he had enough experience holding on on his own.

He watched Tom disappear out of his sight as Edd made his way to the kitchen. "What do you want?" Edd asked.

"Well. Something small, obviously," Matt laughed.

After Edd searched for a while, looking through his cabinet and fridge, all he could find was his fruit bowl. "Do you think you could eat a peach?" he asked sheepishly, picking up the sweet, round fruit.

Matt's mouth watered profusely at the food. He could smell the sweet aroma though he was comparatively far away and the fruit still had the skin on it. Peaches were Matt's favorite. Matt gulped. "Yeah," he said with a wide grin.

Edd went to the dining room as Matt clung to his hoodie impatiently. Edd sat at the table and sat the peach down in front of him, then plucked Matt off and placed him right next to the fruit.

Matt was only an inch taller than the thing. He leaned down to take a bite of the beachball-sized peach, but his mouth wasn't able to quite take a proper chunk out. Matt put his hand on the fuzzy surface of it and was able to easily peel it. He scooped his hand in, sighing as the scent made his mouth water again. He pulled the bit out and ate it.

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