Ch. 3

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There is something oddly chilling about an empty house. It seems less like a home. When moving out of a house you are essentially shedding your shell like a crab, in search of a better fit. The blank canvas of an empty room can only give you echoes of a memory. You see things that you never noticed when it was full of junk and furniture. You see how imperfect the shell is. But you remember how comfortable it made you feel.
Did you know that your smile could melt ice?
Did you know that's what keeps my heart in a vice?

It had been two days since Jenny left the message at my house. Lip and Ian had gone with me to talk to her. She helped me make the call to assisted living and get a room set up for her. My dads life insurance was set aside just for this in his will, but neither he or I expected it to be used so soon. I called her doctor and told him what was happening and he said that it would be good for her, that her life expectancy would rise with round the clock medical care. I still hadn't told her yet.

She didn't know I was packing her clothes, or that a car was coming to pick her up today. She didn't know that I was betraying her.

I never realized how little clothing she had until I was forced to put it all in her luggage. It only took two large suitcases to have all of her clothing packed up, then a small bag for all of her shoes. She thought I was up in my room writing, like I usually do.

When I finished packing her last bag, toiletries, I sat them all in the hallway next to her bedroom door. I went in my room and tried to call Billy for the fourth time today. I hadn't heard from him in days and usually I would be worried but I had seen him riding down the road with a few of his friends yesterday. Ian was right. Billy Marshall is an asshole.

"Lydia honey, there's someone at the door. Could you come get it please?"

Quickly running down the stairs I opened the front door. My heart was in my throat and the nerves were building quickly, they were early. It was a major shock to find that it was Lip and Ian instead.

"Oh, hey... What are you doing here?" I was completely shocked. I'd had no idea they were coming to see my mom off.

"You said today was the day right?" Lip asked as he shuffled on his feet.

"Yeah, um..." I glanced over my shoulder looking for my mom. "She doesn't know yet."

"You haven't told her?" Ian asked.

"She threw such a big fit the other week about not needing any help... I couldn't tell her. She's gonna hate me."

"She could never hate you, Lyd—"

"Lydia, who is it sweetheart?"

"It's just us Mrs. Walsh!" Lip called to her.

"You might as well come in you guys. I was just about to... I was about to tell her." They both ducked their heads nodding as they filed into the front room. Mama was sitting in the kitchen playing with the eggs I had made her an hour ago.

"We'll just, uh..." Ian nodded to the sofa and they both took a seat.

"When is her car supposed to be here?" Lip asked as he sat.

"About... twenty minutes, maybe fifteen." I nodded at them before taking a deep breath.

"Hey Mama... I need to talk to you."

"About what sweetheart?" I heard her shuffle in her seat.

"No, Mama, stay in there I'll come to you okay?"

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