Ch. 9

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*Trigger warning, non-consensual intimate situation. Short and non explicit.*

I take care of patience, trying to cultivate his gentle soul. He lives in a world of mayhem and the unknown. But he trusts those around him without fault. He trusts the brave girl, the beautiful boy, naïveté, chaos, and love. They are his family and his life. He has however, like them all, dealt with unnecessary pain. It is almost a mystery, his gentle soul.


When did we lose our motivation?
Weren't we always in wonder over our very creation?


Once Ian, Lip, and I all calmed down we heard a bang down the stairs that sounded like the front door. Suddenly Debbie and Carl ran in, battleship pieces in their hands, and jumped on Ian's bed to look down into the front yard. We all shuffled up to the window to see Steve staring at the house, looking disappointed.

He looked up and saw all of us there and sighed. I guess things didn't work the way he wanted them to. A few of us smirked at him and watched as he shook his head, got in his car, and drove off.

"That guys a douche," Lip said.

"Maybe," I said. "But he still tried to save Fi's purse. That's a brownie point in my book."

"You give brownie points to anybody," Lip said.

"Yup," I said smiling. The door behind us flew open.

"What happened to bed?! Come on guys let's go! Debs, teeth! Carl, pajamas! Move it!" Fiona said as she saw us all at the window. They scurried out and Fiona gave us a sharp look. I raised my hands trying to keep from looking guilty and walked to the door.

"Night guys," I said as I walked out and down the hall to Franks room. They chorused good nights after me and I smiled as I closed the door, locking it so Frank wouldn't stumble in at three in the morning. Laying down I smiled, tonight had been interesting.


I couldn't help but smile as I felt the bed dip beside me, my eyes were still closed but I wasn't worried. Liam had a habit of crawling in bed with me or Fiona.

Then an arm snaked over my hip and around my waist... that was new and most definitely not Liam.

My eyebrows scrunched in uncomfortable confusion and the grip got harder making me squirm.

Suddenly I was pulled back against a horribly familiar wide chest, and I couldn't help it, I started to struggle.

This was not who I anticipated.

This was not happening.

Not again.

I couldn't breath but the grip got tighter, I slung my legs trying to get off the bed but while my torso was up he got his other arm wrapped around me.

Hot breath boiled the skin at the back of my neck and I heard his scratchy voice.

"Quit struggling, you're only making it worse."

I didn't quit though, if anything I struggled harder. No one would say I didn't fight it this time.

Bucking against his grip I pulled in a deep breath and tried to scream but I couldn't hear anything. I gave it my all, cursing and screaming and thrashing and all I could hear was his breathing and manic laugh and loud banging from the headboard.

It couldn't happen again. Nothing made sense— he— he was dead.

I felt his hands everywhere, hard and unyielding. Scraping at my stomach and chest.

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