Ch. 28

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It's hard to see those you love in pain. It's even harder to know you caused it, but hope can always be found. Hope that, if not forgiveness, understanding can be found.
How do you tell someone you love them?
In the heat of the moment, or in despite of the heat?

"So she just left?" Fiona said, worried after I'd come back to the house in tears.

I nodded. It had been a few hours since I had watched Sheila drive off, I had sat on the living room couch for what felt like days. When I had finally calmed down some I had read over the paperwork she had given me and a new bout of tears washed over me.

She had left the house and everything inside to me as she went on an extended trip. No number, no other notes, and no expected return date. It just drove in my realization that I'd never see her again even deeper.

I had walked home in a daze.

"So are you gonna sell it, like your parents house?" She asked.

"I dunno, that house has a little more... happiness to it. I — I mean... it's not happy but it's... hopeful."

"Maybe you could rent it out." She said slowly.

"You looking for a new place to stay?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'd probably go crazy if I left this house with all these kids, but I'm sure someone would be more than happy to pay rent for a place like that."

"And it'd be steady money..."

"Maybe you won't have to go back to The Kash..." she said, tempting my thoughts toward the conclusion that I was already thinking about.

"I don't think I'll ever work there again," I said laughing a bit.

We were sitting at the kitchen table. Debbie was upstairs with Liam and Carl probably playing battleship, Ian was at The Kash probably twiddling his thumbs and waiting to finally clock out. No telling where Lip was.

The door burst open suddenly.

"Fiona! Have you seen— Lyd. Hey, where did you go? I've been looking all over town." He said exasperated. He walked over as I stood and pulled me into a long hug. The tears that I'd just finished drying bloomed again, leaking onto his jacketed shoulder.

"She's gone."

"Who, baby? Mandy? She's not gone, Lyd, they just took her in—" he said hurriedly trying to reassure me that I'd done the right thing.

"No... not Mandy. Sheila. I went over to tell her everything— the truth. I told her the truth... She left in this huge RV and just gave me her house and everything in it. She's just... gone."

"Aww Lyd..." I shuddered as more tears fell, and he pulled me into the crook of his neck. When I finally calmed down he sat in the seat I'd vacated and pulled me into his lap.

"I was just talking to Fiona about what to do with the house." I mumbled.

"Why is it people are always leaving you houses? You've got to be one lucky south side kid."

I chuckled.

"Oh yeah real lucky. Got the first from child abuse and my dads spite for my mom and the second because one of my best friends killed a girl who's mom I tried to steal."

I looked down at him with a sly smirk. It probably came out odd through my puffed eyelids but it got the point across. Fi bust out in giggles and Lip chuckled at me.

"Ok... luck with south side twists... so what are you gonna do with it? Sell it?"

"I was thinking about renting it out. You know anyone looking for a place?"

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