Ch. 22

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What is there to say when you're truly speechless? With a surprise around every corner? I may not have seen this one coming. But I sure as hell knew it wasn't true.
Why couldn't I catch my breath?
When they say something comes out of a field why is it always the left?

I was frozen in my seat. I could hardly breathe. Why was I suddenly so scared of what she might do if I told the truth?

"It's a paternity test." I mumbled.

"For what?"

"I think— I think she's my mom."

Her eyes narrowed at me as she scoffed. Her fists that had been clenched at her sides came up and crossed over her thin chest.

"You already have parents... oops. No you don't, they're dead."

"Karen,—" Lip started, looking pissed.

"Don't Lip, it's okay. She's right I had parents. My father was an abusive psychopath and my mother was a victim of rape who gave me away when her husband asked her to."

Her breathing became almost as labored as Sheila's had been earlier. Now Sheila was hurriedly rushing to the kitchen, puttering around absentmindedly trying to block all sound and muttering about food and drinks and how we liked our lemonade. Karen was pale and she angrily turned to Lip.

"You told her?! How could you? I told you that in confidence! I was trying to explain how crazy she was not give you some story to mouth off to your slutty friends who have nothing better to do that mess with my moms head! What? You didn't have enough attention with your perfect home life and my boyfriend? You had to come mess with my mom??" She said finally, looking to me.

"My home life was far from perfect—"

"Oh please! Miss. I have my parents attention every waking moment—"

"You shut the fuck up! You don't know shit about my parents!" I yelled back.

"At least they stayed!"

"Oh boo-hoo! So your dad fucking left! Good fucking riddance! Because of your dad my life has been a living hell!"

"Oh, and my life hasn't been? If you really are my sister just look at what you did to my mom!"

"I didn't do shit. I was a by-product that no one wanted. Least of all your father."

"Quit whining, you had two steady parents, parents who were there for you!"

"The only thing steady about my parents was their parenting technique. Mom played the oblivious house wife. And yeah, Daddy Dearest was there. He was in my room every night from the time I got my first period." I hissed.

Suddenly a pan clattered to the floor in the kitchen. I don't know when I had stood during our outbursts at each other but it was making my leg throb and the sudden noise made me jump and my leg started to buckle. Crying out I landed on my ass sucking air between my teeth. Lip cut around Karen to get to me and she just stood there staring at me, seemingly frozen. Her eyes were wide and she looked impossibly paler.

"What?" She asked as Lip helped me stand.

"You heard me, and to make matters worse... he was my biological dad all along."

I had to give her credit, she was stunned, yes, but she didn't look sorry for me. She almost looked scared for herself.

"Come on Lyd, we should go. Thank you for the drinks Sheila, we'll give you a call later." Lip said as he helped me hobble to the door. I could hear Sheila crying quietly in the kitchen and my heart clenched for her.

"Sheila. Whatever you're thinking right now, it wasn't your fault. None of it." She only sniffled harder, so I let Lip half pull half carry me to the door. He soon had his shoes on and was helping me put on my second shoe. Neither of us heard Karen walk up behind me, too in a hurry to leave.

"I'm pregnant."

Today seemed to be a day of stunning moments. My back was to her and Lip was kneeling in front of me, too scared of what I would say, what he would say, I scrunched my eyes closed. If it was his kid, there was a distinct possibility that I could lose him. I should've known better.

"Congratulations, whose the father?" He said while looking into my face with a determined gleam in his eyes.

"What do you mean whose the father, asshole? You." She said angrily.

My eyes had opened in relief and slowly they tracked down to where he was still kneeling and finishing the bow of my laces. He was looking up at me with a small smile and his eyes didn't leave mine as he stood with a huff of exertion.

"Not possible, I had a friend tell me in eighth grade once that if I kept hoeing around like I was with out a rubber I'd have seven kids like Carl by the time I was fifteen. Scared me straight." He said with a sidelong look at me. I was the friend, I let out a strained but honest chuckle.

"Those break," she said defiantly.

"And that's why you keep fresh ones. Sorry Karen. The kid isn't mine. But I'll gladly do a paternity test to prove it to you when he- or she, is born. If it's even needed."

Sheila slowly walked up behind Karen with red rimmed eyes and something in her hand.

"Here Lydia, please do call me when you get the results."

In all the commotion I had left the test but there it was in her hand ready to be delivered. Karen stared at her in shock.

"Mom what—?"

"Hush Karen." Her eyes got wide and suddenly she was rushing back through the house to the kitchen, we heard the basement door slam.

"Thank you Sheila."

"No dear, thank you."


I don't know what I'm doing you guys but here's another little bit that I hope you can enjoy.


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