Ch. 20

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I never understood what I was looking for in my past boyfriends, but it was never friendship. I took relationships when ever they would come my way and tried to mold them into what I thought they should be, I changed myself so that the person would stay. But after so long I finally realized that wasn't the way to go. All thanks to the Beautiful Boy.
When did I forget that there was so much to explore?
Why didn't I realize someone would open a door?

As we stood there in the kitchen, our arms wrapped around each other, neither of us realized that someone was coming down the stairs. We were too busy smiling like idiots and staring at each other.

"Holy shit." Fiona and Ian said in unison. I jerked my head to face them and Fiona had a huge, mood crushing, smug smile slapped on her face. Ian looked equally smug but he was staring directly at Lip. My face bloomed red faster than I ever remember and I ducked my head a bit, bumping Lip gently with the towel that was still wrapped in my hair.

"You are so busted." Fiona said.

"What do you mean busted?" I asked.

"How long did you think you could hide it?!" She asked with a laugh. "I mean Lip sleeps in your room, you two are always staring at each other! I just hope you've been using protection!" She said looking momentarily stern.

"Wha— what are you talking about?!" I said becoming, if possible, even more red than before. "We've never—" I choked on the words.

"That was our first kiss you rudely burst in on, thanks for that." Lip said smirking to ease the bite of his words.

"Oh my god." Fiona said. "You were right, they really are blind." She said looking at Ian in amazement.

"Congrats you crazy kids!" Ian said. "I fucking told you, both of you." He said mockingly stern.

"Hey don't jump on my ass, I'm not gonna be all over a taken guy!" I said in my defense.

"Not taken anymore," he said hastily as Fiona raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to say something. She immediately calmed.

"Oh... so you're not taken?" I asked him looking up at him with doe eyes.

"Well I mean... Uhm—" his mouth opened and closed a couple times before I laughed.

"Calm down, I know what you mean." I said before looking over at Fiona. "Are you gonna be all weird mother hen now?"

"I am not a mother hen!" She said sounding affronted.

"You kind of are,"
"She's not wrong" we all said talking over each other.

"Okay! Okay, I get it. I hover! And no, I've been rooting for you two since he brought you into the house when you were thirteen."

That stunned me a bit. I knew she loved me and all, but I didn't know she'd wanted me to be with Lip.

"A little heads up would've been nice— ahh!" I said sucking air through my teeth as I stumbled some, my leg was starting to throb a bit more and I had tried to let go of Lip for a moment. He caught me and held me a little tighter.

"Alright, upstairs, you've been on that leg for too long already," Fiona said.

"I'm fine, five by five really, besides I really wanted to try and talk to Sheila soon." Lip looked a little uncomfortable at that. Probably not wanting to go back and see Karen. Ian saw it too and nodded to me.

"I could get Ian to take me," I said quietly to Lip. He looked conflicted back and forth between the two of us.

"We can all go," he said.

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