Ch. 29

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I never thought that my appearance was all that great until I met him. It became a game to see what he would notice. The color red drew his eyes, mid thigh skirts had them following my every move. And while my hair was long and easy to grip, I've always preferred the mid morning tousled look of a blunt mid throat bob. Apparently he does too.
What do you give someone who has given you everything?
You give them yourself, and the hope that you bring.

Lips graduation party was in full swing. Everyone had a bottle in hand but Debbie, Carl, and Liam who was happily turning up his sippy cup and bobbing to the music.

The day had been amazing, Lip grudgingly posed for the hundreds of pictures Fiona and I had wanted and would only smile if I was making faces at him like he was a two year old. Carl had ripped off his button up as soon as we had stepped out of the graduation ceremony and had refused to put on a shirt since. Debbie has carried a giggly Liam around for most of the day and Fiona had rushed around like a chicken with her head cut off until she thought everything for the party was ready.

I was tasked with getting Lip up, dressed, and to the ceremony. Which I think was the hardest part of the whole thing.

"You're acting like a two year old." I said.

"It's a piece of paper I don't get why I have to walk across some stage to get it in front of a bunch of overdressed idiots packed in like sardines."

"You calling me an overdressed idiot sardine?" I asked with a playful smirk.

He looked me up and down, my red blouse, black skirt, and thick black cargo boots, then to my face an newly lobbed off hair.

"You are always over dressed in my opinion, beautiful."

"Flattery isn't going to get you out of this one Phillip Ronan Gallagher. Get up. Get showered and dressed. And come meet me in the kitchen in twenty minutes or you won't get your graduation gifts."

"Gifts? You mean there's more than one?" He asked his eyebrows raising.

I just smirked and threw his dress pants at him before walking out.

We now stood swaying to the music, his tie loose and top buttons undone with his arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder. A cold bottle was dangling from both our hands. We just watched the crazy unfold in the living room. It was truly peaceful.

Until Frank decided to barge in the door.

"Who decided to have a party without me?" He yelled stumbling in through the second doorframe. Everyone slowed their dancing, their heads turning to take him in.

He was red faced and greasy, his jean jacket clashing with the dressed up group.

"Who died?" He asked.

"No one died, Frank." Lip said raising his head from my shoulder.

"Lip graduated today!" Debbie said excitedly.

"He's only sixteen Debs, he hasn't finished high school yet." Frank said confused.

"He's eighteen now Frank. And a high school graduate. Just because you can't tell minutes from years doesn't mean the time hasn't passed. What did you want anyway, why are you here?" I said.

He looked at me confused at first then slowly he got more and more angry.

"You. You're the reason I'm out on my ass. You sold my house to that arrogant shit!" He said jabbing his finger at me, quickly stumbling closer.

I tried backing away and Lip rushed in front of me grabbing Frank by the shoulders and hauling him back by the jacket. He threw him against the wall red faced and puffing.

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