Ch. 14

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How to describe her? She is a narcissist, melodramatic, addict with no sense of motherhood. She sees herself as her first and only child. She protects no one but herself. She and pain created beautiful, independent, children who fight for each other. Her faces change with the flick of a switch, a sensitive bud of nerves. She is a death sentence.

Why am I still here for you?
Even when I know you aren't there too?

*no one's POV*

Lip was breathing harshly and Fiona shuffled as gently as she could under Lydia so she wouldn't wake her up. Little did she know that Lydia had passed out. Her brain trying to cope with the huge influx of emotion.

She rushed over to him and grabbed the phone from his hand and listened to the messages.

"Hey uh... I don't know what your up to but if you could just— If you could just come by the home soon. I think that... I know that my mom is about to die. She says she's only got about half an hour, who knows though she's always been dramatic. She does that when she knows she's getting attention. And she— fuck it I'm rambling. Just come by... when you get this call, I don't know how long I'm gonna be here. See you soon... I— bye."

She clicked to the next message.

"Hey... I don't know where you are or what you're doing... I hope you're okay. *sniffing* She's gone. I haven't called the nurses yet... I just wanted to hear your voice."

She was looking at him now, his face growing increasingly red. Fiona started to look heartbroken. She clicked to the last message.

"Uhm... I don't know what's going on, I thought you'd— it's been about two hours since I called the first time. I really hope nothing is wrong. I don't want to text you because I want to tell you I don't want you to read it. I made the arrangements. The burial is in two days. She's gonna be cremated, they fixed it so all I have to do is show up at the gravesite. I'm gonna head back home now, I guess I'll see you there."

Fiona lowered the phone and turned back to Lydia laying on the couch.

"Holy shit. What were you doing?"

"I was just hanging out I didn't think something this serious was happening."

"So you saw that she called?" He was quiet, and she knew. "She's probably pissed," she said quietly, casting a sad look at the unconscious girl.

"I— fuck." He said forcefully as he ran a hand through his hair. His face was red and he nearly looked tearful.

"We should move her, she's probably going to get a crick in her neck," Fiona said as she moved to the front of the couch to wake her.

"Lyd... Lyd, come on let go upstairs." She pushed her shoulder a bit. "Lydia? Fuck Lyd, come on! Lydia." She was shaking her shoulder now. Lip rushed to the other side of the couch and started checking vitals. He raised her eyelid and saw it dilate a bit before evening out.

"She passed out." He was still breathing harshly.

"What do you mean? Like she fainted?"

"Yeah, she fainted, I thought you said she was asleep?"

"How can someone faint in their sleep?"

"I don't know, move over. I'll carry her up."

"Be careful."

He lifted her shoulders and slid his arm under her before lifting her legs and carrying her up the stairs. He laid her gently on her bed and closed the door before crawling in next to her.

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