Ch. 17

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It's odd when things get out of hand, most of the time I can at least stand up for someone else. Especially if that person isn't me. This was downright scary. I knew people did crazy things when they were jealous but I never witnessed it first hand until now.

What does it take?
How long until someone breaks?

I left work when Linda let me out, ten minutes early at that. She's been a lot more attentive of the store lately, watching it like a hawk.

I decided to head to the high school so I could walk to work with Ian before heading home. As I walked up the front steps he was coming out with Mandy Milkovich.

"Hey Mandy, hows it goin?"

"Same shit different day. You walking Ian to work?"

"Planned on it," I said. She nodded and gave him a hug.

"Maybe you could talk some sense into him." She said with a crooked smile, I smiled back and nodded bye before she walked off. Not far behind Ian I saw Lip walking out of the school with Karen.

"Jeeze. You think he would bark up a different tree," I said looking over Ian's shoulder. He looked back and started smirking.

"Just because you're jealous."

"Of what? Him boning the school slut? As if." If he wanted a disease it was up to him, sister or not I didn't have to like her.

"You heard what happened right?"

"No, what?"

"Her dad promised her the car if she went to a purity ball to reinstate her virginity."

"Seriously?" I said raising my eyebrows unimpressed.

"Yeah, he called her a whore in the middle of her speech about all the sex she's had. She flipped out, wrecked all his stuff... Sheila was so mad at him she kicked him out of the house, she even followed him outside."

"Holy shit." My eyes were wide and I looked at Karen. She did seem a little scattered today, like she would bolt at any minute. It was weird, I almost felt bad for her.

"Yeah, she thought he was going to be all accepting and into it and he just freaked out on her."

"Well fuck. It's unnatural for me to feel bad for her Jesus Christ... you ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready, let's go."


"You gonna hang around for a minute?" Ian asked as we walked through the door. I could see Kash over at the refrigerator sneaking glances as he "stocked" the middle shelf.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hang." Suddenly the door burst open and the bell jangled loudly. Mickey came through and stepped up to the counter.

"Hey Milkovich, hows it goin?" He was shuffling on his feet and gave his nose a good rub.

"It's all good on this end Walsh. How is it over at the crazy house?" He said nodding over at Ian. Ian had a weird cock to his eyebrow and a smirk.

"Not that bad, I got my own room."

"Well if you ever need company," he said with a jerk of his eyebrows. Ian's jaw twitched.

"Jig is up lover boy, keep it in your pants." I raised my eyebrow at him and jerked my eyes towards Ian. Mickeys eyes hardened a bit.

"Ain't nothing in my pants but me." He said in a cagey voice. I nodded at him maintaining eye contact for a minute. He broke the connection and walked towards the aisles then.

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