Ch. 6

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I'm familiar with pain, he's lanky with stringy hair and one too many layers of clothing. He soothes himself with a bottle or a needle and doesn't care who he hurts. But he doesn't discriminate either. He sees all of your worst qualities and doesn't mind being seen with you. Doing nothing for you he will expect everything you have to offer in return. His only good qualities are his children. He created the beautiful boy and the brave girl without trying and because of that I am thankful for pain.
Do you remember the way things used to be?
When our eyes were wide and our hearts were free?

When I woke up a few hours later with the need to pee I was staring at Ian's freckled back. I had my arm tossed over his torso and he was holding my hand as he softly snored. Slowly I tugged my hand from his grip and crawled over him with my ass in the air until I was standing in the middle of the floor. I waited to make sure he wouldn't wake up before realizing that he was the only one snoring. I glanced back to see Carl still asleep, then up to find a pair of ice blue eyes staring at me with a sleepy smirk. I blushed and mock glared at him before childishly sticking my tongue out at him. Suddenly remembering that I had to pee I shuffled out of the room.

When I walked back in to head back to sleep he spoke up.

"You might as well come up here if you were planning on crawling back over him. He's liable to throw you in the floor. Not that it wouldn't be entertaining to watch you stick your ass in the air again." I could hear that sleepy smirk in his voice so I stepped up to the ladder by his bed. Standing on my tip toes I slapped his bare shoulder before climbing the rest of the way up. I had slept with Ian enough times to know Lip wasn't serious about being thrown in the floor, and he knew it too, but I guess it was his way of saying 'come up here instead.'

"Scoot your butt over," I said with a laugh. Suddenly I was grabbed around the torso and pulled the rest of the way into his bunk. He had my back pressed into his chest and buried his face in my hair.

"You're cold," he said.

"And you're hot," I said wiggling a little bit against the heat of his chest. He had his arms wrapped so far around me he could hold onto his own elbows.

"Quit wiggling or you're gonna wake him up."

"Carl can sleep through anything and Ian is on the other side of the room."

"Not who I was talking about."
It took me a minute to understand.

"Oh my god, you perv!" I whisper shouted with a little laugh.

"Hey, I'm still half asleep, I can't control what's goin on down there." Which was probably true, it was only three in the morning.

I was blushing profusely so I put my arms on top of his and with a laugh I said, "Calm down Casanova, go back to sleep."

He hummed and squeezed me closer. I tried to stay as still as I could until I heard him softly snoring again. Then I relaxed back into his arms, my need for sleep and comfort over riding my concern for his other body parts. It was rare that he ever asked me to come up here because usually I slept with Fi or Ian.

It was nice to change it up a bit.

———————no ones POV ——————

Ian woke up early, his ROTC training to wake up at seven thirty for his push-ups was ingrained in him from school. He started to stretch out his arms when he remembered he wasn't supposed to be in his bed alone. Scrunching his face in confusion he looked behind himself to find the rest of his bed empty. He glanced around the room looking for Lydia, she was never up before him.

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