Ch. 8

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I have tangled with chaos. He may be small but he is mighty. Underneath layers of destruction and senseless aggression is a gentle soul. A tough exterior with soft eyes and whirlwind thoughts, who can only do damage to himself and those who threaten the ones he loves. Hidden beneath chaos is a warm heart, encased in a lone storm. Oddly, I feel calm when surrounded by this chaos.
Didn't I tell you I was a mistake?
And all I leave is destruction in my wake?
"So Steve. How many damsels have you saved?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. This man was, medium, tan, and adequately attractive. But, hell if he wasn't smooth and persistent. And he sure knows how to make shit interesting. If the whole tackle scene had played out right V might've had to give him a few stitches as she patched him up.

"Oh you know, one or two."

"You're a regular hero," I said with mirth. All the kids had come downstairs with the commotion and I could tell Lip was wary of the new guy.

"He sure knows how to make an entrance!" V laughed from her position behind him.

"And an exit!" Fi said. "You know he'll kill you if he ever sees you again, I can't believe you decked him!" Suddenly Kev walked in.

"Who decked who, and who's dying?" He asked confused.

"Hey, I'm Steve," he said raising his hand.

"He decked the bouncer," Fiona said.

"Oh shit. You're a dead man walking."

"I'm sure I'll be fine,"

"Good luck man. You ready V?"

"What you came to pick me up? Shit, you were just being nosy."

"Well I wanted to know who drove that car. Did you see that thing? What do you do for a living, man?" Kev asked overly enthused.

"Alright, nope, that's enough questions, let's go monkey man," V said as she stood from the couch. She grabbed Kev's arm and pulled him toward the door.

"Goodnight everybody!" She said. They were met with a chorus of goodbyes as they shut the door.

"Alright kids! Time for bed! Let's go, you have school in the morning," Fiona ordered. Debbie and Carl ran up the stairs shoving each other the whole way. Ian, Lip, and I all stayed in the living room with her and Steve for a few minutes.

"So... Lydia—"

"Lyd," I said correcting him.

"Lyd, right, you go to school with Philip and Ian?" I smirked at Lip and shook my head.

"No, uh... Lip and Ian go, I get to stay home. I got my GED, had to be home to take care of my mom."

"Oh wow, that's nice of you, is she gonna be—"

"Let's not talk about it anymore, touchy subject," Fiona said nodding at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry, didn't mean to step on any toes," he said.

"It's fine," I said with a shake of my head. I could feel Lips eyes on my face as Ian put a hand on my leg in solidarity.

"You staying the night Lyd? You can have Franks room now, we changed the locks... and the sheets!" Fiona said. It was tempting and I really could use a night of sleep in a house that wasn't dead silent at night. I had stayed a few days with the Gallagher's after my mom went to the home but ultimately I didn't wanna be a burden so I stayed a few nights back at the house. I think the silence was giving me nightmares.

"Sure, yeah, I'll stay. I've missed you guys," I said with a nudge to Ian's shoulder.

"Yeah, and his room doesn't smell like shit now," Lip chimed in. I smiled at him.

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