Ch. 15

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I've never liked surprises. They're jolting and uncomfortable and I never know how to act. Now I'm not talking about surprise gifts, while those do make me suspicious, I mean jump scares or surprise parties. I usually end up crying because it scares me. A cry baby, I know. Life surprises aren't much better.

What did I do to deserve this?
How could it have been something to miss?"

When I looked in that box... when I found those adoption papers, I never realized that I would suddenly want to try and find my parents. My real parents.

But how fucked up did they have to be? Why would they give their kid up? Or why would she, my mother, want to give me up? Was she too young? Was she an addict?

How did giving me up for adoption save me? What did it save me from?



Walking home from work with Lip and Ian was a rare occasion. Our schedules rarely linked up and it was always a nice surprise when we were able to.

It was an even nicer surprise to con a fucking idiot out of a whole truckload of meat.

He even paid us five bucks.


"You want to do what?" I asked Frank in total disbelief.

"I need your mothers ashes."

"You are fucking insane. Fiona!" I yelled into the living room. Frank had burst in a few minutes ago yelling about two thugs trying to kill him.

"What?" Fiona asked as she walked in.

"He's trying to fake his death."

"What the fuck!?"


I have never been more satisfied watching someone punch another human than I was when Lip decked Frank. He went out like a light too. Fuck. It was kinda hot as hell.

The "funeral" was a lot more tense though. Frank nearly lost a toe, and we had to stuff a stolen coffin with the leftover stolen meat scraps just to get the asshole thugs off our backs.

Overall it was a really nice service. Everyone was super insincere.


"So are you still gonna go get a DNA test done?" Ian asked me as we sat on his bed. Lip was on his bed typing up a paper.

"I think so, yeah. I mean they could have been relatives or something. My mom said that my dad saw me and he's the one that picked me. Maybe there was a reason."

"We'll go with you Lyd." Lip said from his spot clacking on keys.

"You gonna get yours done too?" I asked. Ian looked iffy about it.

"I don't know if I'm going to or not. It wouldn't change anything if I wasn't Franks, I still had to deal with him."

"It's just eating at me. If they're alive I wanna know them, or at least know something about them. I'm gonna use my parents DNA and see if I was ever related to either of them at all."

"I'm gonna do it." Lip said.


"Hell, if anything knowing I'm not Franks kid would be fucking nice. He wouldn't be able to meddle in any of my shit."

"If Fiona ever tried to get custody of you it would help a lot too." He nodded.

"I don't know when to go though, it's not super important," I said looking at my hands.

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