Ch. 4

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Being numb is like waking up in that grey light. No noise and no thoughts, you're floating in open water. You don't have the weight on your feet, or on your heart. It's a difficult state to keep. On one hand you sink too deep and drown in your sorrow. On the other hand you face the problems and work through them trudging to survive. I think I'll stay here for a while.
Did you know that I like your smile?
Did you know it makes me go the extra mile?

I couldn't think. I just stood there staring at the back windshield until the car turned the corner. Suddenly I was engulfed in a hug from both sides. I turned and latched onto the person to my right and just held onto him. Lip, Ian, I didn't know but I knew I needed them. I felt them nod their head to the side and the other person backed away. Right after that I heard footsteps going up my porch stairs and the door opening and shutting. At this point I didn't care what he was doing. It took me a minute to realize but my current death grip victim was mumbling into my ear.

"Lyd... Lydia, come on, let's sit." Lip. Of course my subconscious would make me turn to him. With his arm still wrapped around me he pulled me to the steps and we sat down facing the street. Like he had the other day, he pulled my head to his chest and just held me. He was rocking ever so slightly and I wrapped my arms around his torso. His arm, that was slung over my shoulder, hugged me close and he played with a bit of my hair. I didn't notice at first but, as I stared down his chest, droplets turned into wet patches.

"I'm ruining your shirt," I mumbled.

"You're not ruining it, you're giving it character."

"That's not a thing."

"It is so. Besides if Frank couldn't ruin this shirt when he wore it two weeks ago, your tears won't stand a chance," he said with a breathy laugh. I smiled a little at his tone. He was right of course if Frank couldn't ruin it no one could. We sat there together for a few more minutes, he had lit a cigarette, and I couldn't help but close my eyes. Not long after, Ian came back out of the house with a small bag and my wallet. I sat up slowly still using Lip for most of my support.

"What are you doing?"

"I got some of your stuff, you're coming to stay with us for a few days."

"I probably shouldn't you guys... I gotta clean the house an—"

"You're coming to stay with us for a few days. It wasn't a question Lyd," Lip said. He ducked his head a bit and looked me in the eyes. "You aren't staying here by yourself."

We sat there staring at each other for a minute or two before I broke the eye contact and glanced at my hands, nodding slowly.

"Alright, come on, up and attem." Lip held my good hand as I stood up and I nearly toppled on him my legs were so sore. We must have been sitting there a lot longer than I had estimated, or they were coming down off the shock.

"Woah, hey, you want a piggy back ride just ask," he said laughing.

I let out a huff of a chuckle and said sorry before walking down the rest of the steps. We started walking slowly and didn't say much. What was there to say?

When we were just down the street from their house I heard someone yelling from behind us.

"Hey L.A.! Where have you been?" Billy. I didn't even have words. I was stunned he would even say anything to me right now.

Whispering to Ian I said, "remember what you were saying the other day?" He nodded bit. "You were so right." Suddenly his face hardened up a bit as if preparing for an ugly conversation. Lips too.

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