The Encounter

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The night that was over all of New York City, was as quiet and peaceful as it could get. Wasn't much of the city that never sleeps, right? Well, never mind then. Besides, the night was only a bit more active, as four mutant ninja turtles were scoping the city from the rooftops. They were on the lookout for some sort of distress or danger, to anyone or anything. But so far, there wasn't much going on.

"Come on, you guys. Keep moving." the blue-masked Leonardo groaningly called out to his three younger brothers, seeing as how they were falling far behind him, for some strange reason.

"Keep moving where?" the red-masked sai-wielding terrapin, Raphael, questioned him, "There's nothing for us to keep moving towards. It's too quiet."

The two other turtles, the purple-masked Donatello and the orange-masked Michelangelo, caught up to their older brothers, as well.

"Raph's got a point, Leo." Donnie pointed out, "Not much has really happened, since we left the lair an hour ago."

"Yeah, it's New York City at it's 'finest'." Mikey added, "Let's just go home, and pick up some Mr. Murikami's on the way back. Sound fair?" he then asked generally, towards his older brothers, now wishing that he didn't suggest for that kind of option right now.

"Yeah, now I really want to bash some heads." Raph commented sarcastically, rubbing the bridge of his 'nose', groaningly.

"Now come on you guys. Don't be like this." Leo said, rolling his eyes, "You know that we have to do this, it's part of our duty to keep the city safe."

"Still Leo," Donnie was quick to point out the obvious, once again, " We can't really keep the city safe, if there's no sort of threat to keep this city safe, from."

"Yeah, let's just go." Raph and Mikey said, agreeing with their genius Bo staff-wielding brother. Leo was then about to hurry up, after them. But then suddenly, they heard the sounds of someone in distress.

The others turned towards the direction of the voice, as well, suddenly intrigued for some action. Finally!

Leo, as well as his younger brothers, pulled out their signature weapons with smirks plastered on their faces, "And, that's our cue!" Leo said, and with that, they hurried their way, ninja-style, towards where the voice was coming from.


The terrapin boys eventually reached the rooftop, where they heard the voice of possible distress. They then began to look around, to figure out of whom the voice belonged to.

"Split up, you guys. Find anyone, give a signal." were Leonardo's instructions, once they made it on, at first seeing it unoccupied. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey nodded affirmatively, before they split of to survey the different areas of the roof.

All was quiet once again, until they heard the voice again. This time, it was closer to where Mikey was searching, making him signal towards his older brothers, "Over here, dudes!" he whisper-shouted, pointing down towards the rooftop, a slightly shorter one, compared to where they were right now. The others quickly headed towards where Mikey was indicating.

On this rooftop, the turtles then seemed to find a girl, about their own age, if not younger;

On this rooftop, the turtles then seemed to find a girl, about their own age, if not younger;

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