The Next Chapter?

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"Come on girls, wait up!" Leo called out towards the Element-Gals for the millionth time now. The girls, pretending that they didn't hear him, kept on going. They knew that they weren't going to be able to lose them, but they still just wanted to get out of there. Eventually, they paused on a single rooftop, the same one where they first met the turtles, and sat down along the rooftops ledges. Once the turtles were able to catch up to them, panting a bit, they sat down on the rooftop ledge across from the Element-Gals.

None of them spoke for a while, until Leo then asked them, "Why'd you girls just run out, like that? Don't you know that Shredder will stop at nothing, to get you back on his side, or killed?" There was sternness in his voice, but there was also worry and concern, as he looked pleadingly into Aqua's eyes.

"Well, we all do now." Aqua answered bluntly, her arms crossed over her chest, "But then again, with what we have left, our own powers, what are we even anymore? Nothing Leonardo, nothing."

"On the contrary Aqua," Storm interjected, making the others look towards her in surprise, "I know exactly what we are; Monstrous. Freaks!" she said, her arms also crossed over her chest and with a scary look on her face, as she said that about themselves. The others, the turtle more most certainly, gasped.

"Dude," Mikey cried out, with his hands over his nose and mouth as he began to cry, "not those M.F words! Anything, but those words!" He then sobbed into Donnie's shoulder to cry some more. Donnie rubbed his shell comfortingly as he did so, almost sending a glare Storm's way, for saying such a thing about themselves.

"Of nature, to be more certain, Storm." Phoenix added, having to comfort a sobbing Sandra as well. She then looked towards Donnie and Mikey, as Mikey looked up with bloodshot eyes and snot running from his nose, "Besides Michelangelo, you can't deny something if it's true."

"But it doesn't have to be that way, Phoenix." Raph told her, "you know that we can help you girls out of this mess."

"Raph's right," Donnie agreed, "I already told Storm that I could come up with a Retro-Mutagen, to hopefully rid you girls of your powers, if they really cause you all so much damage."

"But will it even work?" Sandra asked, wiping her snot away onto her shirt sleeve.

"Hard to believe, Donatello," Storm was quick to interrupt Donnie, a single finger up as she spoke, in such monotone, "but sorry, no. Our powers make us too dangerous to live here without losing our sanities or control. Also, with the Foot still being after us, it only makes it worse."

"We're basically better off, if we left you all. Forever." Aqua then added, making the turtles gasp at them in shock, once again. The Element-Gals then stood up slowly, starting to leave the turtles, and their possible lost happiness-es, behind. Aqua looked over her shoulder, and said with remorse, "Sayōnara, eiyū hamato no senshi. Mirai e no negai.. ("Goodbye, heroic Hamato warriors. Best wishes for the future.")"

Then with that, the Element-Gals began to walk away sadly. But only until, they each felt their turtle grab onto their wrists firmly. The Element-Gals looked back at them in shock, small tears of parting still fresh on their faces. Each of their turtles wiped their tears away with their thumbs, hating to have to see them in tears all over again.

They then asked each of their Element-Gal, if they would just give them another chance. At least give them more time, before they made their final decision to end their own lives. At first, the Element-Gals weren't too entirely sure about this. But then, they recalled of the time of when they spared the turtles lives, so that they could see their 'Other Realm', that was basically the only 'home' that they've ever known, since becoming who they are. Upon deep thought of this, they told each of their turtles, that they'll do it. They'll take that final chance, even if it were to hurt them, more than ever.

Smiling at their answer, they took of each their Element-Gals into their arms, and brought them back down to their sewer lair home. They had a good idea of how they'll get them to stay with them, which they'll do right away and first thing tomorrow. But for now, they all needed to properly rest up for that, and hope that this will actually work for them. If not, they wouldn't want to have to live with it, for the rest of their lives.

Hey guys, Popstar Queen here!

So, here's the next part, and please let me know of what you think of it, down in the comments below. Also, let me know of what you think the turtles have in mind, for each of the Element-Gals.

Also, for the next part, I was wondering if you all would like to guess each Element-Gals's real names. If you do, let me know in the comments of what each of their names should be and why, and I'll check up on it for tomorrow's update.

And anyways, we'll also see of what one-shot request, I'll be doing for you all, next.

And as always, see you all in the next part/chapter, and happy reading!




Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now