The Epilouge

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A whole year or so has gone by since the Element-Gals have moved in with the Hamatos, and have decided to use their Kraang-given powers for the greater good of New York City, and the whole world as we all know it to be.

Over the course of that one year, the turtles have been able to get each of the Element-Gal to help them with their battles against the Foot Clan, and the Kraang.

But still, when they had more time to unwind, they all decided that they should get them to meet their other well-known friends and allies. Get them really welcomed into their family. They would do so, tonight.


That night, each of the Hamato terrapins asked each of the girls, Maxine (Max), Aria, Hannah, and Alyssa (Al), to get changed into 'something nice'. The girls were of course a bit curious of this, since this was like their one-year anniversary of really understanding the turtles and themselves a whole lot better. But still, they took no hesitation to help one another get ready.

Then, once they were done, each of the turtles waited for them at the lair's entrance. The girls then showed up in front of each other them, and boy, to the turtles at least, they looked all drop dead gorgeous. The boys gave each of the girls awe-struck looks, as they took their good-hard looks at what they were wearing;

 The boys gave each of the girls awe-struck looks, as they took their good-hard looks at what they were wearing;

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They then of course had to tell each of them that they looked beautiful, before leading each of them towards the surface and to their destination

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They then of course had to tell each of them that they looked beautiful, before leading each of them towards the surface and to their destination.

The turtles ended up with taking the girls towards Mr. Murakami's restaurant, as if it were a huge surprise party for them, where literally everyone was waiting for them as the lights went on and "SURPRISE!" was heard throughout the place; April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, The Mighty Mutanimals, Mondo Gecko, Renet, Shinigami, Fugitoid, Mona Lisa, Bishop, Chompy, Jack Kurtzman, Kirby O'Neil, Metalhead, the 80's turtles, Sir Malachi, and even Usagi, Mira & Kintaro. How Mr. Murakami himself was able to fit everybody in there, was quite a puzzler.

But it didn't matter at all. All that mattered was for the Element-Gals to enjoy some Pizza Guyoa, as well as, quality time with everyone there. Then, just wait till they have to scrapbook everyone's pictures of this event.


Once everyone headed back home, the turtles took the Element-Gals back home to their sewer home. When they got there, the girls got an excellent idea to wrap up the night. They quickly got their scrapbook from off of the couch, and had the turtles position themselves next to each of them. They were confused with this at first, but decided to play along with it.

Master Splinter then came in, and seeing of what they were all doing, immediately got the camera again. He positioned it on its stand in front of everyone, with everyone also trying to get a grip on the scrapbook in Aqua/Maxine's lap. Master Splinter put a timer for the camera flash, and hurried over towards the others just before the camera went off.


Once that was done, the photo came out beautifully, and was put on a new page, close to the front of the scrapbook. Everyone in it expressed the kind of faces that really brought out their personalities as a family.

Then with that, everyone decided to caption it with, 'Our New Family'. One that will stay with the Element-Gals, for years and years.

Hey guys, Popstar Queen here!

So, here's the last part, and I really want to thank you readers, that have been able to reach this far and stick with it (even when I went a bit fangirl crazy with adding Usagi, Mira, and Kintaro in Mr. Murikami's restaurant! XD Cuz like seriously, thinking back to when I was working on this chapter, I wondered of what I just did to myself, for this! XD) Please let me know in the comments, of what you thought of it and what you can imagine will happen afterwards if a sequel involving them were to exist.

Also, I get that this was different then some of my other stories, and not a lot of people actually read these types for themselves, I just really wanted to experiment with having my own TMNT OCs involved, and also, I wanted you all to be able to imagine of what will happen to them next, and want the future will bring to them, as they become more 'closer' towards each Hamato ninja terrapin.

Anyways, I'll continue with doing some of your TMNT One-Shots, as you would want me to do them. I also highly encourage you all to be able to provide constructive feedback, for what my next TMNT Project should be. Or, if I should work on a more original story for you all.

And as always, see you all soon, and happy reading!




Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now