The Back-Story

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The next morning, the turtles woke up to still see each of their Element-Gal, deeply asleep. But then again, they still needed all of the rest that they need, like Master Splinter said to them all the other night, after their traumatising near-death experiences. So, very carefully, they crawled out of their beds, without waking the Element-Gals up, and made their ways towards the living room.

"Your girls were okay last night, you guys?" Leo asked his younger brothers, knowing that the health and well-being of all of the Element-Gals was their ultimate priority. Especially since being the leader of their team, everyone counted in, on this. After Leo asked them that answer, Raph, Donnie and Mikey gave him a brief summary of how each girl was like last night. Leo then did the same in return, telling them all about Aqua.

"My sons," the four turtles suddenly heard their rat father/sensei, Master Splinter, as he came into the living room with them.

"Sensei." the four terrapins said in unison, bowing before their father with utmost respect. Master Splinter then asked his son the same question, "How are the Element-Gals?"

"Stable, as far as we're concerned, Sensei." Donnie asked, still remembering Storm's scorch marks from last night. Master Splinter nodded.

"But what do we do now, dudes?" Mikey then asked aloud, "Shredder will probably start looking for them again."

"You're right, Mikey" Raph replied, "we can't risk losing them like that, again."

"And why not, Raphael?" Master Splinter asked Raph as he stroked his beard out of a father's curiosity. Only because as their father, he kinda had an idea of what they each were about to say.

The turtles, a bit unsettled with their father's question, were suddenly turning all red in the face. Raph, being the one to have the answer the question for all of them, was tripping over his words. Master Splinter chuckled at this, "It is because you've all grown rather very fond of these girls, isn't it my sons?" Master Splinter then asked them rhetorically, with that 'look' on his face. The turtles couldn't be able to deny this sort of fact away from their own father, so they answered in the positive.

"So, my sons, what do you think you should all do now?" Master Splinter then asked them, actually getting them all to think collaboratively, this time.

All of the turtles, looked towards their father, with brave determination written all over their faces. Then, on the behalf of themselves, Leonardo was the one to speak up, "We will give the Element-Gals back, what Shredder took away from them. Starting, back at their 'secret base'."


Thanks to Donatello marking this on their GPS tracking systems, the Hamato turtles made their way towards the former 'secret base' of the Element-Gals. There could possibly be some sort of relics from their past selves, that they show to each of the girls, and find out more of how they came to become their present selves.

They still had to be cautious though, as they mentioned before, about the Shredder and his forces on the hunt for them and the Element-Gals, continued on. Even so, when they finally reached their destination, they were without a doubt correct about Shredder and his forces. They were already there, and searching the whole place, as well.

Upon realizing this, the turtles narrowed their eyes, showing only pure white pupils, and went full-on 'ninja mode', in order to get what they were looking for in here, as they split up cautiously. Each of the turtles looked in the area where each of their Element-Gal had been attacked the other day, only to find them entirely occupied by their mutant 'training mentors', and a whole bunch of Foot-bots. Here, was where the most caution was needed.

Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now