The Ending

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The next morning, the Element-Gals woke up, trying not to wake up each of their loving turtle companions. They then put on the same clothes that they each wore the other day, before their apparent 'dates' with the turtles, and made their ways toward the kitchen to make themselves breakfast. They also might as well make some for the turtles and Master Splinter as well, just as a way of 'paying them back' for their kindness and hospitality, so far. So with that in mind, they got to work on some bacon, chocolate chips pancakes, hash browns, toast, scrambled eggs, orange juice, tea, and small fruit salads. They each felt like they were reliving through their good times growing. They felt like true sisters, even if others told them otherwise.

As they were working, they were almost completely startled when Master Splinter entered the kitchen. At the sound of him clearing his throat, the Element-Gals stopped with what they were doing. Aqua/Maxine with toasting toasts, Phoenix/Aria with getting glasses/cups of orange juices and tea sorted out, Storm/Hannah with setting the table for 5-9 people/mutants, and Sandra/Alyssa with cooking the eggs, hashbrowns and bacon. Each of the girls looked towards Master Splinter, with startled expressions on their faces. They eyed one another cautiously, wondering of what Master Splinter wanted of them, at this time in the morning.

"Good morning, girls." Master Splinter then told them. The Element-Gals replied with slightly nerve-racked 'good mornings' in return, continuing with making breakfast for everyone. Master Splinter watched them carefully, and waited till they were mostly finished, before he spoke to them again, "If you girls wouldn't mind, I'd like to speak to you all in the dojo." Each of the Element-Gals looked at one another again, before they hesitantly nodded, and followed Master Splinter down to their dojo. They hoped that they weren't in trouble.


As the Element-Gals knelt down in a single-file line in front of Master Splinter, they waited anxiously to hear of what he wanted to talk to them about. Master Splinter looked at each of the girls, before speaking again, "I'm just wondering of you girls," he began, "are you enjoying your stays here, with my sons?"

The girls weren't too exactly sure of where this was supposed to go, but they just went along with it, for now, "We're enjoying our stay here, very much, Master Splinter." Aqua/Maxine told them, being as formal as possible. Master Splinter smiled, "And have you enjoyed each of your special times with each of them, the other night?" he then asked. "Yes." the girls answered him in unison, as they used to do towards the Shredder.

Master Splinter then breathed in and out deeply, "Girls, I'd like to give you something. Wait here." he then headed into a separate chamber of the dojo, the girls waiting once again and eyeing one another cautiously. He then came back with a large scrapbook in his possession, before he then knelt in front of the Element-Gals and opened it up to show them all, that it was blank all the way through.

"This is for you, girls. I want you to be able to make more happy memories, such as those, as you stay with us." he explained to them, watching as they felt each of the pages between their fingers. He then set it down in front of them, and the girls looked towards him in curious awe, "I also want you girls to have futures to fondly look forward to, and, to be aware of the fact that you have a new family now; each other, and my own family." he then added with a fond, fatherly smile towards them. Each of the girls returned it, and even gathered into a loving family-like group hug. Once Master Splinter parted for them, the Element-Gals thanked him, "Thank you, Master Splinter."

"Please, girls, call me Sensei." Master Splinter told them, smiling at them again. They smiled too. As they stood up, Aqua made a final comment towards Master Splinter, "Also Sensei, we've made our decisions." he said with a smile, with Master Splinter smiling back as well.

"Now come on girls," Aqua/Maxine began to tell her 'sisters', "we've got breakfasts to serve! So, go get those sleepy boys out of bed." she added that last part with a bit of a mischievous tone added in, cuing them all to agree and instantly rush to their rooms with 'plans' in mind. Chuckling, Master Splinter handed the blank scrapbook towards Aqua/Maxine, telling her that they might as well start filling it up now. She agreed with a nod, and followed the others towards the kitchen to do just that.


Later that evening, after getting more involved with each of their beloved turtles as of yesterday, the former Element-Gals decided to tell them of their 'decision'.

So, as they sat on the couch before patrol, they waited a bit terrifyingly for their answer. They hoped for the positive, since their kindness of making them all breakfast this morning. The girls stood in front of their turtle, ready to tell;

"So boys," Aqua/Maxine began, "you know why you're all here, correct?" she asked, receiving subtle nods from them in response.

"Well," Storm/Hannah then continued on, "I've already taken blood samples from each of us, and tried to mix it with retro-mutagen. Nothing happened." The boys remained quiet as she said this.

"So yeah, we're stuck with these powers for another 10+ years or whatever. Fun." Phoenix/Aria added bluntly, then sarcastically.

"But no matter, they're still very cool when we use them in the right way, you know?" Sandra/Alyssa pointed it out, getting a few stray nods in response from the turtles.

The girls then told of some of their favourite memories from their 'hangouts' the other night, with each of their turtle reacting appropriately to each part. Then, the girls went all serious again;

"So now, Hamatos, we've made our decisions." Aqua/Max then said. The girls took a generous amount of time to let all of this sink into each turtle, also creating suspense for what the turtles were about to here from them, next;

So, after that pause took place, the girls stand at the exact same time, "We're staying." The turtles most gladly celebrated that, saying that they were so happy for such of their girls. The girls giggled, and continued to cuddle with each of their turtles, as well.

The girls also added that, "We're staying, and finishing what Shredder started."

Although it sounded really risky in the Hamatos' opinions, they knew that they had the former Element-Gals on their team, and couldn't wait to see of how they'll to get to know the others, that they've all encountered. All ever since they first headed up the 'Topside World' of New York City. This, according to Mikey, called for a celebration with pizza. Everybody was in agreement, and they did just that.

Also, as he was watching them all, Master Splinter took out an old camera and it went click! A few minutes later, right next to the girls' photo of making breakfast that was captioned as 'Breakfast Bondings', he put the new photo into their scrapbook and captioned it as 'Our New Lives Have Begun'.

Hey guys, Popstar Queen here!

So, here's the second last part of this story, and I hoped that you enjoyed it. Let me know of your thoughts/opinions of their decision to stay and fight against the Shredder, down in the comments below.

​​​​​​​Also, as I mentioned before, I'll be possibly adding in a Part 2/3 to my Raph x Injured!Reader One-Shot 'Protector'. It may happen either today or tomorrow, so let me know of when this should happen, in the comments down below, as well.

Anyways, we'll see of what happens in the final part/chapter of this TMNT x OC fanfic, as well as the next few TMNT One-Shot requests, for tomorrow.

And as always, see you all in the next part/chapter, and happy reading!




Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now