The Four-Fold Elements

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The Element-Gals were making great haste, as they ran along the rooftops together. They now had to avoid both the Hamato and the Foot Clan, in order to not harm anyone anymore, with their elemental powers, because of the Kraang.

"Where are we going to go, Aqua?" Sandra asked their eldest sister, also keeping their eyes on the lookout for the turtles, or their former training mentors.

"To the one place, where we'll be safely hidden." was Aqua's answer.

Storm looked towards Aqua, with a determined knowing look on her face, "That place?"

Aqua nodded determinedly, "Yes, that one." She then started speaking towards all of her sisters, "Come on, to our secret base. In the sewers!"

So, that was then where they rushed towards. Still making sure that they weren't being followed, by the turtles or Foot Clan. But then again, the Element-Gals couldn't be too careful with this.


A few minutes later, the Element-Gals made it towards their secret base, in the sewers. It was only a bit a ways away from the Hamato's lair, and was even a lot like it, despite it being all more 'feminine-looking'.

The Element-Gals went into a tight circle with their backs against each others, once again, and had their weapons out and ready to attack.

"Split up, and cover more ground. Make sure that they can't get in. We're now initiating 'Lockdown Mode'." were Aqua's next instructions, her other younger sisters nodding towards her firmly. They all then split up towards different area of their hideout, asides from their own bedrooms; Aqua towards their training dojo, Phoenix towards their living room area, Storm towards her laboratory, and Sandra towards their kitchen. Once they made sure that each room was locked up tightly from intruders, they waited. They each had a strong, unnerving feeling, that they all weren't entirely alone in their secret base anymore.

Each girl was trying to stand her ground, in their designated areas, knowing fully well that somehow, each of their training mentors have been able to break in , and were now willing to hunt them down.

First was Aqua, keeping a close watch out for Tigerclaw;

"So, the young cub retracts her claws, against her Master." Tigerclaw sneered at Aqua from within the shadows of the dojo. Then, he gave her a surprise jump, engaging the two of them into blade-to-blade combat.

"You think you're very clever, Aqua. But cleverness, will only get you so far." he said to her, as they fought. Trainer, also known as the Shredder's right hand versus his trainee/his Master's eldest and most highly trained student.

"Come at me, Kit-Kat!" Aqua retorted towards her former trainer, blasting some ice cold water right at him. It sent him into the wall, and then charging towards her again with a growl. They were evenly matched once again, but only until Tigerclaw was able to grab Aqua's arm and throw her towards the roof of the room, knocking her out cold. Tigerclaw then chuckled to himself, as he then carried his former senshi by her arm, and then carried her out towards where his Master, was waiting for him.

Being aware of how Tigerclaw had already gotten his dirty paws on her older sister, Phoenix kept a closer watchout for Fishface. She heard something from behind her, and quickly was able to avoid one of Xever's butterfly knives, from coming at her head, by setting it on fire with blue flames, since they were much hotter than just red flames alone. She's able to use some of her cool, to her advantage.

"Not bad, not bad...." she heard his voice surrounding her, "but how about this?" Fishface asked Phoenix, suddenly kicking her into their television, as he made his own 'grand entrance'. Phoenix tried her absolute hardest to get her flames to burn those metal legs of his, right off of him. She could only manage to avoid his knives, with her own fiery kakutes.

Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now