The Healing Scars

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Slowly and carefully, the turtles brought the Element-Gals into their sewer lair home. It then didn't take all for Master Splinter to enter among their presence, and see them with each of the girls in their arms. At seeing the sight of them all, he sighed sadly, before he approached his sons.

"You were right about them, Sensei." Leo told his father, Splinter now looking at him curiously, "There was a lot more to these girls than we first thought." Leo told him, before looking down at Aqua's 'peaceful' face sadly, "But now even the Shredder's broken all of that. But still, we got them now, Sensei."

Master Splinter nodded in agreement, as he placed a single one of his paws on top of each girl's foreheads, seeing them try to fight off their past inner-demons on their own. He then looked towards each of his own sons, "April came by earlier, and after I told her of the situation, has brought some clean, dry clothes for each of these girls. Allow them to change, and get some rest. I'll prepare a remedy, herbal tea that will help them with their nerves."

The four turtles nodded towards their father, "Hai Sensei.", before they carried each of the Element-Gals towards each of their rooms.

 (Btw, just play the video above, while the guys do all they can to help the Element-Gals. Just as some background music, you know? XD)

Entering his room with using his foot to get the door opened, Leo gently sat Aqua up on top of his bed. He looked at her sadly, expecting her to say something. Anything! But after going through each of their past torturous experiences, the Element-Gals couldn't work up the nerves to speak, except for Storm. They were all too shaken up, to even mutter a peep. Leo then sighed sadly, after not getting a reply from Aqua at all, and gathered up the dry clothes from April that Master Splinter mentioned, as well as, a dry, warm towel from their bathroom. He gave these things over to Aqua, who reluctantly accepted them into her own arms.

Leo watched her, as she roughly dried her damp hair with the towel, before she then wrapped around her shoulders like a blanket. She then looked blankly towards Leo, wondering of what he was going to say next. "I'll give some privacy to change, okay Aqua?" Leo then asked her, with a comforting hand on her shoulder. The young gentleman. Aqua nodded slowly, looking towards the clothes in her hands. Leo then got up and headed towards the door, looking behind himself towards Aqua before he left, "Just knock when you're ready, while I'll get you some tea, okay?" he asked, once again, receiving a small shy nod from Aqua in return. Then with that, he gently closed the door behind himself, and headed towards the kitchen for the tea.

Upon entering the kitchen, Leo was able to see his other younger brothers coming in, as well. Donnie also had some sort of cream and bandages in his hand, Raph was grabbing a clean, cloth towel from the kitchen sink, and Mikey was getting a glass of water and giant bucket ready. Master Splinter, with the herbal remedy tea ready for each of the girls, handed a steaming cup of it towards each of his sons. Then, one by one, they headed back towards the girls in their rooms.

As promised before, Leo waited for Aqua to knock, to let him know that she done changing out of her wet clothes, and was in her dry ones. In a little while later, he heard her knocking, and cautiously entered in, the tea still in his careful possession. As he entered into his bedroom, he saw that Aqua was now wearing a black long-sleeved pj top, with blue-patterned pj pants, and blue slippers.

 As he entered into his bedroom, he saw that Aqua was now wearing a black long-sleeved pj top, with blue-patterned pj pants, and blue slippers

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Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now