The Lingering Thoughts

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"So, you girls have been able to come in contact, with the turtles?" Shredder asked the Element-Gals, all knelt down and bowing before him on his throne. They had indeed returned from seeing the turtles for the first time, each part of their weapons in their hands.

"Yes Father." they told Oroku Saki at the same time, heads still bowed down. Then, they slowly raised their heads, eyes looking their father/sensei dead in the eyes.

"They were just as you described them." Aqua added, poker-faced.

"I was able to draw them out, just as you had requested." Sandra said in a monotone voice.

"Excellent work, girls." Shredder 'complimented them', "I also see that you have taken a portion of their weapons." he added, looking at the weapons of Hamato Yoshi's disciples.

"We do indeed." Aqua responded, signalling for Storm to add onto that.

"And, with your permission, I'll make some modifications to each and every one of them. All before, we return them back to the turtles. Only seeing as how you would still want us to bring them to you, with honor and a fair fighting chance, before they beg for their lives." Storm said, all ready having the new modified weapons envisioned in her mind.

Shredder rubbed a finger under his chin in thought, then told her, "So be it."

Storm nodded, before he continued to speak. The four Element-Gals bowed their heads once again, as he did so.

"You girls have done a fine job, for tonight. You have proven yourselves worthy of hunting down the turtles." he then rose from his throne, and sauntered over to where the girls were. He then stopped, a few paces from where they were.

"You will look for the turtles again, tomorrow night. But, if you don't bring them to me, as I have requested," he then pulled out knives, from within his own metal claws, pointing them right into the top of each girl's head. Each girl hitched their breath, their eyes widened in fear, as he did so. They didn't want to have to suffer the consequences, for not meeting their own father's demands, "there will be consequences. Am I clear?" as Shredder mentioned that last part, he pulled his claws back out, making each girl exhale and then raise their upper bodies in slight panic.

Each girl let out their response, in a breath, "Hai Father!" They then looked anxiously towards Shredder, giving them a satisfied smirk from beneath his kuro kabuto.

"Excellent. Now go, and rest. You'll need your energy for tomorrow's training and mission, for hunting down the turtles." Shredder told them.

"Hai Father." the girls responded once again, slowly getting up and heading out of Shredder's throne room. Storm was also about to leave, but Shredder firmly placed a hand on her shoulder, "Storm," he then said to her, looking her look up in his eyes, "go make those modifications," then the blade went in front of her face, once again, "or else."

"Yes Father. Right away, Father." was Storm's hurried, yet satisfactory response towards Shredder. She then hurried after her sisters, with Shredder smirking proudly at himself for having his plan fall into place.


In a lounge-like area of Shredder's lair, and also as Storm was working on the modifications for each of the turtle's weapons, Aqua, Phoenix, and Sandra were casually lying around. They were trying to rest, as Shredder had told them to do so before, but there seemed to be something on their minds.

"You think that those turtles will ever try to defeat us, with those mods Storm?" Phoenix asked her younger sister, who was hard at work.

Storm simply shrugged as she worked, "Who knows? They only seem to be able to fight with their own signature weaponary. Then, judging by their age, they probably have learned to fight in combat with them, for at least fifteen years or so. That's the same age as us, instead with our own elemental abilities, whether or not that they've trained more than we have. Again, judging by their age, they'll only be able to have a 50/50 chance of actually defeating us, in a weapon-styles combating fight."

Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now