The Mission (Kinda Gone Wrong)

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The next evening, as both of their Masters had told them to do, the Hamato terrapins, and the Element-Gals, were out on the rooftops once again. They were going to see each one another, yet again. So now, we'll take a good look at the turtle's progress, shall we?

"Remember ninjas, keep a close lookout for those girls.." Leonardo told his younger brothers, as each of them maneuvered towards the last rooftop, where they had first encountered the Element-Gals the other night. But so far, the activity, weather or element-wise, was too quiet for the Hamatos' liking.

At the rooftop, with the turtles forming a tight circle amongst themselves, shell-to-shell and eyes whitened over for 'full ninja mode', they waited for whatever those Element-Gals would throw at them this time.

Just out of reflex, the turtles gripped and raised their single weapons, higher and tighter. They felt for sure, that they were here, and for sure not alone.

There again to be no activity with these girls, but only until,........

"COWABUNGA!!!" a shout from a few feet away, instantly captured the turtles' attentions. They swiftly turned towards the rooftops near them, only to see each of the Element-Gals, riding towards them wildly on skateboards. Each of the girls seemed to have the time of their lives, with performing awesome skateboarding stunts and such. But only, until they came face-to-face with the Hamato terrapins, once again.

They instantly dropped their boards down on the rooftop, and slowly made their way towards the turtles. Their face scars were once again, about to glow brightly in their masks's colours. They looked as though they just wanted to get this 'vendetta nonsense' over with, with those sick sadistic smirks on their lips. But hey, that was totally okay with the turtles.

Aqua then spoke up towards the turtle warriors before her, almost in a mere-monotone, "All right now, guys. Let's just-"

"But first, our weapons back please." Leonardo interrupted her with an angered demand, the tip of his katana blade pointing dangerously towards her throat. She sighed with a huff, before smiling mischievously once again, as well as her other sisters.

"Very well then, Hamato." she told him, looking towards Storm, and snapped her fingers in the progress, "STORM!"

Storm then pulled out, each of their modified weapons. She then began to almost carelessly toss them from hand-to-hand, almost too excited to give them up so soon.

"Let's just see now....." Storm began to say, sounding like she was in charge of a giveaway. Which in a way, she was. She then pulled out one of them from her 'arsenal', "We have, the okinawa

 She then pulled out one of them from her 'arsenal', "We have, the okinawa

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 and kyoketsu-shoge

 and kyoketsu-shoge

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Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now