The Suspicions

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"Have you girls brought the turtles to my presence, yet?" Shredder rhetorically asked his daughters, as they were currently bowing before him once again. He knew that they were out late again, still out looking for his 'brother's' children. But they seemed to be laterthan usual. Like they were trying to hide something from him, and he wanted to find out what.

"No Father." Aqua spoke up, still worried on behalf of her sisters, for not listening to their father's orders. Who knows of what he'll do to punish them, for their procrastination?

"May one of you please tell me, of why that's the case?" Shredder pried to ask them, expecting a legitimate excuse for their tardiness of bring him the turtles.

"They clearly seemed to not be as skilled with their new weapons, as we have expected," Storm began to say, after a brief moment of awkward silence, "so they just simply retreated, both as cowards and 'survivors' of our elemental abilities."

Shredder looked at Storm with a certain look of slight doubt in his eyes. But yet, we did expect of the turtles to shy away from the presence of their enemies. Such foolish cowards of Splinter's.

"Very well, then." Shredder then told them, watching them slowly rise to their feet and look at him, "You girls are dismissed, until tomorrow night. Then, we will bring me the turtles! Understand?!" he demanded, pointing one of his knives at each of the girl's shocked faces. They could only nod back hesitantly, "Hai Father!", before leaving their father, alone in his thoughts.

Then, at that moment, Shredder's mutant henchmen, each of the girl's training mentors, had entered their Master's throne room as well. They had overheard his conversation with his 'daughters', and were curious to dig deeper of why the turtles weren't here yet.

"Master," Tigerclaw, Aqua's mentor, began to say to Shredder, "it seems to have been brought to our attentions, of how your beloved cubs haven't brought the turtles to your presence. All despite your warning last night."

"I understand that, Tigerclaw." Shredder replied, getting up from his throne, and looking out towards the city at night. The others joined him, as well.

"They're probably hiding something from us, Master." Rahzar, Sandra's mentor, suggested, "Something about those pathetic turtles."

"I believe so too, Bradford." Shredder said in agreement, "But they never hide anything from us." he then began to look out at the city, with a fiery glare.

"So, what's we do about power girls now?" Rocksteady inquired, as well as Bebop. Both of them, being Storm's almost intolerable mentors.

Shredder gave it a bit of thought, before coming to his decision, "Keep a closer eye on them, and see what they're up to. If it's even turtle related, bring them before me. Then, you four will know what to do with your senshis, as a form of punishment."

The girl's mentors nodded. Then as they left their Master, Fishface, Phoenix's mentor, was quick to comment aloud of how, "They've probably also gotten feelings for those infuriating turtles." the others couldn't help, but agree in disapproval and disgust.

As he watched his goons leave him, Shredder looked towards the city once again. He knew that the turtles were out there, trying all they possibly could to defeat his 'daughters'. But he knew that they could defeat them, unless, something was making them hesitant. Which was what was making him both worried, and infuriated, to think that his 'daughters' were thinking of them, in that way.

No matter, he'll see to it, that his own children would bring Hamato Yoshi's to his presence. So that, he can finish what the two of them have started, all of those years ago. All he had to do now, was wait for the perfect opportunity, to strike.

Back down in the Hamato sewer lair dwelling, Donatello was at work to get their former weapons, back into their former weapons. All while, they were thinking about what the Element-Gals have mentioned about their 'other realm'.

"I think it's some sort of trick. They'll probably just lead us right to Shredder, like they're apparently supposed to." Raph commented, obviously not trusting the girl's motives.

"But if that was the case, they would've done so, the first time they actually found us." Donnie pointed out, trying to get their weapons back into their original forms. Man, Storm must've done this, so that, he possibly couldn't be able to fix them. But Donatello wasn't going to give up just yet. It's like any other puzzle he's done in the past. He just needed to concentrate.

"Yeah dudes," Mikey added, messing a bit with his former nunchuck, now kyoketsu-shogi and okinawa, "maybe something's holding them back or something?"

Leo put a single, green finger underneath his chin in deep thought, "Mikey's actually got a point." he started to say, astonishing himself and his other brothers, "if Shredder wanted the Element-Gals to bring us to him, they would've just done so. But like Mikey said, something's holding them back, but what could it be?"

The turtles tried to think about it for a moment, trying to crack this code, before they had to see them again.

But then Donnie spoke up, "You think that we're the ones holding them back?" again, this astonished himself and his other brothers.

"What's that supposed to mean, Donnie?" Raph asked him, not believing him for even a second.

"Well, I'm just thinking right now, if somehow Master Splinter was right about the girls earlier. About of how each of the girls aren't as bad as we may think of them as. We're probably getting them to really think about themselves of the past. Like of how they were probably 'normal' girls before being mutated by the Kraang and working for the Shredder, as his 'daughters'." was Donnie's look into the situation.

"So maybe also," Leo added, "we're making them start to relive having other human emotions." Like with their former families and friends, before they became who they are now."

Donnie nodded at that, "Exactly."

"So, what now? Do we head for their 'Other Realm', or not?" Mikey wondered aloud, making Donnie and Raph look towards Leo, hoping that he had a foolproof plan for both the 'Other Realm' and the Elemental-Gals, the next time that they would have to see them.

Leo then spoke, with his own leadership-filled determination, "The only noble thing that we can do, is to be prepared for whatever those Element-Gals have in store for us, and go into their 'Other Realm'. This time, we'll get more weapons, and new gear, like with our Vision Quests, back at the farmhouse. Perhaps our own elemental powers and weapons, can help us to even out the odds in the battlefield a bit."

The others nodded in agreement, and then immediately got to getting their Vision Quest weapons and gear ready, for the next time that they'll have to encounter the Element-Gals. Each turtle kept in mind of what Master Splinter had said about these girls. They will try to bring these girls towards a brighter light, even if they would have to risk everything in their 'Other Realm', in order to do so.

Hey guys, Popstar Queen here!

So here's the next part, and I'd like to hear your thoughts/opinions on it; Was it good, or not? What do you think is in the 'Other Realm' of the Element-Gals? How do you think that the turtles and the girls are thinking about each other? What do you think Shredder will do, if he finds out? Let me know in the comments.

Also, I hope that you'll look forward to more of it, tomorrow, after I get through the exam review day/first day of my second semester.

And as always, see you all in the next part/chapter, and happy reading!




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