The Hangout

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The next day down in the Hamatos' sewer dwelling, each of the turtles were making their plans to get to hang out with each of their Element-Gal. After all, they just couldn't even begin to imagine each of them on the edge of a cliff into rough waters, the edge of a volcano's mouth, the eye of the tornado, or even the swirling sandstorms that could make you blind, without remembering that they didn't deserve their pain and suffering in the hands of the Foot Clan and Kraang.

They each also wanted to be able to let each of their Element-Gal to be able to see that their powers, weren't at all that bad, all the time. If you used them for the right reasons, basically. With that in mind, they gathered themselves in their kitchen, with Master Splinter, and got his consent to do all of this, for these girls.


It was getting close to dusk all over New York City, and the turtles spent their entire days so far with getting each of the Element-Gals to participate in their own favourite activities. Each of them were pleased, when each of the girls seemed to enjoy watching 'Space Heroes'/meditating, sparring/comic book reading, helping out in the lab/watching movies, and also, playing video games/hanging out with Ice Cream Kitty. Now, it all has to come to, tonight.

It started off, when each of the turtles wrote down special notes for each of the girls, telling them specifically of what they expected them to be prepared for. Once that was done, they found each of the Element-Gals in their bedrooms. They then slipped each of their notes underneath their bedroom doors, and then waited for them in their favourite places of their lair. Let the good times, begin!

"'Hey Aqua, could you please meet me at the front entrance of the lair for 6 o'clock? I want to take you somewhere special, and also, be sure to wear something for swimming. :) ~Leo.'" Aqua read, looking at the piece of paper that just seemed to have appeared from underneath the bedroom door. But still, she wouldn't mind getting to hang out with Leo for longer. She's been having a lot of fun with him already with meditating, and 'Space Heroes' had just become her new favourite show.

But still, why swimming stuff? Aqua wished to find out, so she'll just have to ask him, and she then began gathering her things in a blue drawstring bag, that came with some of the other clothes that she's been wearing lately. Then at 6 o'clock sharp, Aqua met up with Leo at the entrance of the lair, as his note said.

Leo turned towards Aqua, commenting to her, that she was right on time. Aqua smiled, and after taking Leo's hand, he lead the two of them towards their destination.


Leo eventually had to carry Aqua towards their spot; a small private pool, with the lights constantly changing into the different colours of the rainbow;

Leo eventually had to carry Aqua towards their spot; a small private pool, with the lights constantly changing into the different colours of the rainbow;

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Thankfully though, it was just the two of them there. Leo then set an awe-struck Aqua down onto her feet, smiling at her reaction, "Leo, this is amazing!" she commented. Leo replied back with a grin, "Thank you. Now go ahead and change if you want, I won't look." he then told her. Aqua nodded and brought her stuff over to a rock near the pool deck, while Leo went the opposite side of her. He then slowly took off all of his ninja gear, and sat them down gently onto the rocks, as well.

Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now