The Moment of Truth

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Back in their own world, the turtles and Element-Gals, were out all out with using their elemental powers on each other;

It was Leonardo with his bow, arrows and wind powers, against Aqua's kusari-fundo, twin kodachis and her water powers. It was also Raphael with his tekko-gari and his fire powers, against Phoenix's kakutes, chigiriki and her own fire powers. Then, it was Donatello with his ono and his earth powers, up against Storm's shurikens and kunais and lightning/storm powers. Then finally, it was Michelangelo with his twin kamas and water powers, against Sandra's twin tessens, tanto and sand/earth powers. It seemed like a type of war, that only Mother Nature could be able to dwell on.

As they were all fighting, the turtles were trying to figure out of what had come over each of the Element-Gals. It was like one minute they had a sense of their former humanity and understanding for them, but then in the next minute, they were all out with attacking them all over again. They tried all they could, to try to snap each Element-Gal out of this sort of trance, and come back to them, as the girls that they've been able to talk with back in their 'Other Realm'.

But so far, this has been very unsuccessful. Each of the Element-Gals seemed to have become more powerful than ever. Both with their signature weapons, and with each of their elemental abilities.

Not being able to keep up with them, the turtles ended up with being tied up in chains, an apparent no thanks to Aqua's kusari-fundo chains. No matter how hard they tried to escape and try to pick their way out of the chains, Aqua's water powers only made it more of a challenge.

Each of the Element-Gals, with their eyes and face scars still glowing on their demented smirk-filled faces, stood in front of each of the turtles that they talk to in their 'Other Realm' only moments ago.

"Aqua, please, you don't have to do this!" Leo begged the red-haired water bender herself.

"Phoenix, stop this!" Raph demanded of the ravenette pyrokineticist.

"Storm, you have to fight whatever's controlling you!" Donnie tried to reason desperately with the brunette storm manipulator.

"Sandra, dudette, snap yourself out of this!" Mikey pleaded towards the blonde sand manipulator.

The Element-gals, however, didn't listen to their quite pitiful demands.

"How adorable, isn't it girls? Hamato Yoshi's children, begging us for the Foot's mercy." Aqua said towards each of her 'sisters', ending off her statement with a demented laugh. The turtles, especially Leonardo, cringed at this.

"Also," Phoenix began to add, making special attention towards Raphael's fear-filled face, "just to think that we couldn't have been able to get rid of you all, ourselves."

Storm stepped a bit closer towards Donatello, her smirk never leaving her face, "Such a shame, that our humanities had to leave us so soon. Just when we all felt a sort of connection, with all of you." she leaned her face into Donnie's own, him trying to lean back, but not to much avail.

"Quite sad, isn't it?" Sandra finally asked them, but especially Michelangelo, whose small tears of fear were seen clearly. This caused all of the Element-Gals to laugh menacingly amongst themselves.

They all then stepped closer towards each of their turtles, evil looks still present on their faces.

"So sorry for this, boys." Aqua and Sandra said at the same time, clearly not being sincere here.

"But you know, we'll see you all in the afterlife." Phoenix added.

"And also, one more thing Hamatos," commented Storm, making each Hamato terrapin more scared than ever, "Say hello to Tang Shen for us." she told them all, quite rather demonically.

Freaks of Nature; The Rise of the 'Element-Gals' (TMNT x OC's)Where stories live. Discover now