Immediately Lectured

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   Y/N's POV

   After about 20 seconds, Max still wouldn't let go of me.
   "Uh...Max?" I asked nervously.
   "Can you let go?"
   "Nope," he replied, nuzzling his face into my hoodie.
   So I sighed and maneuvered two bodies to the front stoop. Once we got there, he finally let go.
   We sat down, immediately to be greeted by David.
   "Y/N! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" he squeaked nervously as he knelt down next to me and Max.
   "I'm fine," I reassured him.
   "She's fine!" Max repeated, pulling me closer to him. "You heard her! Leave her alone!"
   I mouthed a "sorry" to David as Max continued to glare at David.
   "Y/N! GET IN HERE, NOW!" my mom called.
   "Oh, shoot," I muttered. "That's my mom. Gotta go, Max."
   I waved bye as I went inside. I glanced behind me and saw through the window in the door that David was guiding Max to his new house.
   "Y/N M/N L/N," I heard a familiar voice growl in front of me.
   I turned my head around and sighed. "What, Mom?" I said, with a tiny bit of attitude. Hey, I have an abusive mom! What do you expect me to do? Give her a "World's Best Mommy" award?
   "You are dating Maxwell?!"
Wait, what? "H-how do you know him?" I stuttered.
"He's the son of one of the biggest bullies at my school," she growled, holding her hand up near my face threateningly, "and you're dating him?!"
I held up my own hands in surrender. "He's not like that, Mom! He's actually very sweet!"
"Sweet...sure!" my mom screamed sarcastically. "He's just a little angel, isn't he?!"
"Yes!" I replied, tears beginning to prick my eyes. "Once you get to know him, he's the sweetest thing!"
"Oh, please!" Mom scoffed, smacking me across the face.
I whimpered a bit and ran up into my room.
I flopped onto my bed and began sobbing uncontrollably. It seemed the tears wouldn't stop.
A gentle knock sounded.
I flew off my bed and began racing to the door, just in case it was Max and my mom just so happened to answer the door.
When I nonchalantly creaked the door open, sure enough, Max was standing there, a worried expression on his face. "Hey...I heard yelling. Are you okay?"
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. "You can't be here," I said quickly.
Max raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why not?"
"My mom knows yours," I replied, quicker still. "And apparently they weren't the best of friends."
Max continued to look confused, when a wave of realization seemed to sweep over him.
He face palmed. "Oh...Yeah. My mom's the worst..." He then gave a soft smile. "I understand. Just come over whenever you can."
He was about to leave, but froze. "What's that?"he inquired, his fingers lightly brushing against the place where my mom slapped me.
"Is there a mark?!" I asked, worriedly beginning to feel my face. (Not like that was gonna do anything.)
Max nodded, a worried expression still plastered across his face. "What happened?"
"I'll explain later. I'll sneak over to your house around 8:00. Just be sure to let David know," I said, rushing back into the house.
As soon as I shut the door, I crumbled to a crying heap on the floor, hands seated on my face.
Max is gonna kill me from keeping this from him for so long...

(HELLO, BOIS! Don't worry, I don't REALLY have an abusive mom! :3 But if any of you do, I'm rooting for ya! BYE!!)

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