Adopted By David!

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   Y/N's POV

   When morning came, I tiredly rolled out of bed. David let me stay in the guest's room so I would be more comfortable.
   When I went down the stairs, I stopped halfway down. I saw David talking to who I assumed was a CPS...agent? Person? And Max fiddling with the sleeves on his hoodie, staring at his shoes.
   "Yes. Her mom threw a beer bottle at her, and I would like to take her in," David said, his voice nothing more than a whisper so he wouldn't wake me. There was unintelligible mummers from the other line. "The mother's address is 429 April St. My house is right next to it." (I just made up an address.) More murmurings. Then David said, "My name is David. I will sign the adoption papers when you get here." David hung up, sighing.
   My heart lit up. I would actually have a dad!
   "Wait," I said, scaring the Holy Spirit out of Max and David, "wouldn't that mean that me and Max would be siblings?"
   Max placed a hand over his heart. "Jesus Christ, Y/N. Don't do that."
   David thought about that. "Um...I don't think so. I'll confirm with the CPS people just to be sure, though. Because that would be weird..."
   I nodded, walking down the rest of the stairs.
   I sat down next to Max, who was sitting on the couch. He wrapped his arm around me and whispered soothingly, "It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this, I promise."
   I chuckled, playfully punching Max in the arm. "Don't be such a dad."
   Max scoffed; David smiled.
I was just chilling with Max, when we heard a car pull into out driveway. "This must be CPS," David said to himself from a separate armchair. He got up and rushed to the door, opening it for the agents.
   "Hello. Are you David?" a deep voice greeted from outside the door.
   "Yes I am. Come in."
   Two people waltzed their way into David's house. (Well, mine in a bit, but yeah.) One was a woman with bronze hair tied up in a bun and carried a clipboard, and the other was a man with a big, bushy mustache, carrying a clipboard as well, and a bunch of papers.
   The man pointed towards me. "Are you Y/N?"
   I stood up. "Y-yes, sir."
   He walked towards me, preparing to write some things on a piece of paper on his clipboard. "You are gonna have to tell me everything your mom has done to you for the decision to be final."
   I inhaled and exhaled, and started telling them everything. The emotional abuse, the physical abuse, and, most importantly, the beer bottle incident. The male was nodding his head and scribbling down some notes with every word.
   When I was done, I let out a sigh, trying my best not to cry.
   "Okay," the male said. "I think we have enough information. Let's approach her mother about this, shall we?" he asked the girl.
   The girl nodded, and they left the house. Max, David and I followed them. The male CPS agent knocked on her door, my mom opening it immediately.
   "What?!" she snapped. I could tell she was experiencing a hangover; her hair was shooting out in all different directions, she was still in her pajamas, and every time a bird chirped or some crap like that, she would cringe and clutch her head.
   "Ma'am, your daughter has reported domestic violence from you to us," the woman said, showing my mom the notes that the male took.
   My mom repeatedly scoffed as she red over what the CPS agent wrote. She rolled her eyes, smirking as she handed the clipboard back to the female agent. "I don't know what my freaking psychopath daughter told you, but whatever it is, she's lying. I did not throw a beer bottle at her," she told the agents, pointing to me.
   I stomped my foot. "You and I both know that that's not true!"
   My mom slapped me right then and there. "How many times have I told you to not talk back to your mother?"
   I honestly don't understand how she could be that stupid; slapping her child in front of CPS agents.
   "Ma'am!" the male agent scolded, stepping in front of me to protect me. "You do know that that's considered child abuse, right?"
   My mom nodded. "Yeah. So?"
   I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing.
   The female agent took her phone out of her pocket and dialed 911. "Excuse me, we are at 429 April St., and there is a mother who is abusing her child, and we would like to arrest her. Yes, this is CPS."
   My mom's body tensed.
   "NO!" my mom yelled a bit later as she was getting shoved into a police car by the...police.
   I crossed my arms and smirked; MX joined me.
   "Bye, Mom!" I said with fake innocence, waving at her.
   "You are the worst thing that's ever happened to me! You little sh-"
   Max cut her off.
   He stomped up to her struggling body, looking quite enraged.
   "Thank God you're going away," Max growled. "Y/N's much better without you. And, by the way, YOU BETTER NOT CALL MY GIRLFRIEND THOSE NAMES!" He walked away, looking quite satisfied. (Get that references, Hamilton fans? I'm looking at you, unorigional_username :D)
   I smiled gratefully at Max. My mom finally got into the police car. (Against her will, of course.)
   It drove away. I swear, I could hear her screaming from inside the car. I sighed in relief. Finally. She's gone.
   Max wrapped an arm around me, and a tear of joy rolled down my cheek.
   Meanwhile, David was signing all the necessary papers to adopt me. Max and I were busy making small talk during that time.
   I saw David smile after signing a paper. I figured that it was the last one.
   It was.
   David handed the papers to the female agent, opened his arms out wide, and invited me for a hug.
   "I have a dad!" I yelled aloud, hugging him.
   David chuckled, hugging me back.
   "Um," Max said to the agents. "Does that make me and Y/N siblings? Because I got adopted by David too."
   The female one thought for a moment. "Technically, no. But you guys can consider each other that, if you like."
   Max shook his head, smiling. "No, we're good."
   I...have a family?

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