Abuse Taken to the Next Level

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   Y/N's POV

   I sighed as I entered my house. School was done for the week, so I could just chillax.
   I hung my backpack up and went to get a snack.
   I glanced at the couch. My mom usually laid there, so I wanted to check if she was home.
   No life form on the couch.
   That usually means she isn't home.
   A chill ran up my spine. "God, bad things always happen while Mom isn't here..," I muttered aloud to myself.
   So I ignored the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and got an ice cream sandwich.
   Unwrapping it, my phone, (which was on the kitchen table,) gave a buzz, indicating that I got a notification.
   It read,
Jacksepticeye has uploaded a new video.
Quick A/N:
I actually went to a Jacksepticeye tour that took place in Boston on April 4th, and it was dope! Anyways, back to the story:
   "Aw, hell yes," I said, swiping right on the notification. YouTube opened right away.
   "Oh, he's playing The Boss again. Sure. I like that game." (If any of you don't know, it's a fan-made game that was created for Jack.)
   Immediately, Jack made me forget about the nagging feeling that something bad was gonna happen, for his loud voice left me in a laughing daze.
7 hours later, I was watching Markiplier. (Yes, YouTube is my life.) iI was absorbed in the content, until...
I visibly jumped. "Mom?" I nervously asked, shutting off my phone and setting it down.
The only response I got was unintelligible mumbles and grunts.
My mind immediately went to a dark place. That place was that there was an intruder in my house.
In sheer panic, I took out my pocket knife, slowly coming out of my room. Looking back on it, a gun would've looked more threatening, but I didn't have one. So a pocket knife would have to do.
My body trembling with unease, I approached the hallway near the front door, and to my surprise, my mom was standing there, gulping down something in a paper bag.
I knew it was some sort of alcohol, because shady people always drink alcohol out of paper bags to make it not look suspicious, but really, it makes them look more suspicious.
That's some life wisdom for ya.
I dropped my pocket knife to the ground with a small clank.
"Mom?" I managed to spit out.
My mom staggered towards me, guzzling down more alcohol. She rested a hand on my shoulder. "Gooo to bed rright noow..." I was shocked to how slurred her words were.
Her breath smelt strongly of beer, and the fact that my mom couldn't control her urges made me want to cry. "Mom," I said, trying to make it seem as if I was calm. "What are you doing in this state?"
Mom gave a raspy chuckle. "IIII met a nnnice guy at the baaar. And he caalled me a hooottie. Then he bought me drrinks. I couldn't say nnno." She held up her beer bottle that was covered by the paper bag. "Annd he gave me one for the roooad."
I felt tears begin to prick my e/c eyes. I couldn't believe my mom would give in that easily.
"This isn't okay!" I snapped. "You're the one who needs to go to bed." I pointed to her room. "Rest. Now."
Mom's face twisted up in anger. She put her face inches away from mine. "Are yooou freaking talking bback to meee?" She slurred, her drunken voice breaking my heart.
I shook my head, trying to make my voice sound soft. "No. I'm just trying to be the responsible one, since you're not in your right state of mind." I muttered to myself, turning around, "Someone has to."
My mom grabbed my shoulder and jerked it so I was facing her. "I'm theee adult, and you'reee the ch...childsss? Child!"
Anger shot through my veins. I began to blurt out what I was thinking, which is something you should never do if you have an abusive mother.
"In this situation," I growled, "you're the child in need of someone to take care of them! I'm the adult that slaves away every second of the day to make sure their kid is being safe and all that freaking crap!"
My mom froze, her expression blank. 'I've stumped her,' I thought, a smug grin spreading across my face. However, this lack of expression didn't last long. After a few seconds, her face read rage that I've never seen before.
"STOP!" Mom screeched, smacking me across the face. Now, I was immune to this, so I didn't even flinch. This enraged my mom even further, for she began scratching, punching and kicking me. I was immune to this as well, so I didn't show any emotion.
"Mom, please stop," I softly smiled. "Just let me help you."
"I ddon't neeed any helppp!" She said. "I'm an addult! I can take care of myselfff!"
"Well, clearly not!" I exclaimed. "Do you hear yourself? Your words are super slurred, and on top of that, you came home drunk! Do you know how heartbreaking that is to me?!"
I now realize that those two kinda go hand-in-hand, but I was mad, okay?
My mom took the beer bottle out of the paper bag, smirking. She then chucked it at me.
It broke.
Shards of glass pierced my skin, dark red blood dripping out of my various wounds. I looked at my mom in disbelief, tears streaming down my cheeks. She seemed greatly satisfied by this, for she smirked and went into her room, slamming the door loudly behind her.
She left me there. With blood staining the floor and pain clouding my vision.
That's when I began full-on sobbing.
But then, one word made me want to smile.
I hiccuped and dragged my body to my room, opening the window and slithering out of the cursed place that was my house.
I sprinted to Max's house, yearning to see his face.
I banged on the door, not caring that it was like 9:30 and that Max was probably asleep.
Max answered the door. "What?" he snapped tiredly. Once he saw that it was me and saw the condition I was in, he muttered, "Holy hell! What happened? Come in, I can help you!"
I gave a nod of gratitude, walking into the house.
"So...what happened?" Max asked, plucking out glass that was in my skin, dabbing it with a towel with water on it after.
I sighed. "My mom threw a beer bottle at me..." I was choking back tears.
Max looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "I'm really sorry."
I smiled. "Thanks."
Then David came down the stairs, wearing striped PJs and a nightcap. "Max, what're you doi-" He looked at me, shock flooding his face. "Oh, golly!" he cried out, rushing over to me. "What happened, Y/N?!"
Max gave me a look that asked, "can I tell him". I nodded.
Max turned back to David. "Her mom was being a bi-"
"Max!" David scolded. "Say it in a cleaner version, please!"
Max scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Fine, her mom was being a...jerk...and threw a beer bottle at her."
David looked at me, a sympathetic smile crossing his lips. He rested a hand on my knee. "She was drunk, wasn't she?"
I nodded, sniffling.
David rubbed my knee. "We all know that you can't stay there anymore."
I nodded once again.
"Maybe you can live with us," Max blurted out.
David looked at Max, then back at me. "What do ya think?"
After a bit of silence, I smiled and nodded. "Yes. I would love to live with you guys."
David returned the smile. "Good. I'll call CPS in the morning."

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